Sunday, October 16, 2022

Things That Go KERRRRCHHHH In the Morning

Saturday morning, Hick left for his Storage Unit Store around 6:45. I was still up, that being my schedule of late, watching TV. By 7:15, I'd decided to hit the sack. It was till pretty dark outside. I was snuggled down on my left side, with the blanket up around my ear, just drifting off to sleep. 
I was starting a dream of trying to help a bird like a small emu that had its head stuck in the tall woody stems of a big flower. The bird's owner was telling me to STOP, that she only wanted Dr. Pol to take care of her bird. He was tending to another unseen animal in the field behind me. Heh, heh. I think I watch too much of The Incredible Dr. Pol.


What in the Not-Heaven??? That was harsh. I was startled awake, my heart pounding. That noise was not part of my dream. What could make such a noise? It came from over my right shoulder. Towards the middle of the bed, and the master bathroom and door to the living room. I was home alone. The TV was off. Was something trying to make contact with me?

I was afraid to turn over. I mulled possible scenarios. Did the dogs drag something on the porch? Was the electric person actually reading the meter on the side of the house by the bedroom? Maybe scooting a metal chair out of the way? It wasn't down in the basement, where the furnace is on the other side of the house. Nothing in the bathroom makes noise. The smoke detector only beeps...


What in the Not-Heaven! AGAIN? This was just creepy. That harsh noise came from the same area. Slowly I turned. I didn't roll over. I could just see the top of the bathroom door. Part of the wall to the living room.


A light lit up! I have no idea what that light was. It was in the area of Hick's nightstand. Then it went off. Just too creepy! I checked my cell phone. 7:25.

I buried my head under the cover and tried to go back to sleep. My heart slowed. I heard the furnace kick on. At least with the air blowing, such a harsh sound might be less startling than in complete silence.

Sleep overtook me. No more harsh noises. When I got up at 11:30, I saw that Hick's digital clock on the clock radio was flashing 4:07. I thought nothing of it, other than Hick needed to set it right. He never turns it on. He just wakes up.

I went to the kitchen, and glanced at the microwave. Its clock said 0. Not flashing. Not dark. 0. Well, now. Perhaps the power had been off. But usually the microwave clock just goes dark. 

I'm guessing that something cut the power off earlier. Then it came back on. Then went off again. And came back on. The clock radio must have made that KERRRRCHHHH noise. Not sure what lit up the nightstand. Maybe the breather. Or the radio.

Not scary at all. Other than what could have happened to make a KERRRRCHHHH noise. It never has done that before when the power was off. Hick went to check the BARn later in the afternoon, and the power had not been off over there. It's on a separate electric line. We get a separate bill. So whatever happened, it only happened to our house.


  1. I would ask Hick to check the power box where the man reads the meter to see if anything there makes that noise. Does it have a door to open and close? Is it metal? The KERRRRCHHHH sounds like metal, I don't think a clock radio would make that sound. If the man was reading the meter that would explain the light flash too.

    1. It hasn't made that noise in 25 years. No door. It's mounted on the outside wall, with a glass cover, and you can see discs spinning as we use electricity! They used to estimate our usage sometimes, or a guy in a truck would drive across the future Shackytown Boulevard to read it with binoculars from his truck, or sometimes the worker would actually come down our driveway and up on the porch to walk around and look at it.

      The KERRRRCHHHH sound was like electrical interference. Not metallic. So I suppose it was something with the clock radio. The light was coming from the corner where the radio and breather sit on the nightstand. It glowed OUT from the corner. Faintly.

  2. Perhaps the radio burnt out a fuse or something else in its innards. Smell it and see if it smells like something burned. In case it needs replacing.

    1. The light with the hour and minutes continues to flash, but maybe it was something to do with the speaker. I'll give it a sniff.

  3. That would have been the end of my sleep!
