Monday, January 29, 2024

You Can't Please Some of the People Any of the Time

Hick told me a story from the Senior Center last week. There's a guy Hick knows who decided to go there for the first time and try their lunch. The Guy is not an actual buddy of Hick. More of an acquaintance, whom he knows from auctions and flea markets. Every now and then he calls Hick about bargains to be found.

Hick has always tried to be nice to The Guy. Not overly-friendly, but civil. Taking time to chat when he calls, and share info about auctions or merchandise. One time The Guy got really upset with Hick, because he walked into Hick's Storage Unit Store while a bunch of cronies were in there talking to Hick. He greeted The Guy and went on with the discussion. Later The Guy called Hick and pretty much called him and his cronies rumpusholes for excluding him from the conversation. Hick said The Guy's just like that, self-centered, always the victim. But he doesn't dislike The Guy. He's just cautious what he says to him.

Anyhoo... The Guy had told Hick he was going to the Senior Center on a certain day for lunch. They were having Sloppy Joes, tater tots, broccoli, and some kind of cake for dessert. Hick mentioned it to the staff, just saying a new guy was coming, that he knew, and not to hold that against him.

The Guy came in and paid his $4 for lunch. It used to be $3, but prices have gone up. He sat down with his tray. Hick was up getting his own tray, and one for a lady at the next table. All at once, he heard The Guy yell, "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" and saw him storm out.

One of the ladies (who gives Hick special "pet" treatment) told him what happened. The Guy had sat down to eat his lunch, but he got a phone call. After the call, he asked to take his meal with him, saying he had to leave. He hadn't eaten anything yet. The gal brought him a styrofoam box like those they use for the meal deliveries. She said he could put his meal in there. The Guy argued that he wanted them to make him a new to-go box. He wasn't asking for double food. He thought they should make him the meal in the box, and he'd throw away the tray he already had. When the gal said they couldn't do that, he got mad and stormed out. Never ate or took any food, even though he had paid.

Hick told them that's just The Guy's nature. You never know when he's going to get mad about something.

A few days later, Hick found out that The Guy had called some federal office to complain about the Senior Center, saying how rude and hateful they were to him.

I'm sure Hick will get a different story from The Guy, whenever he decides to call Hick again. Also let the record show that The Guy had been banned from both flea markets, by two different owners, where Hick had his Storage Unit Stores, for accusing customers and sellers of doing things they didn't.

I don't understand why The Guy escalated the situation to that extent. He wasn't trying to get extra food, nor a refund, and didn't even take what he paid for.


  1. Replies
    1. I think that's the consensus of the people who banned him from two flea markets!

  2. So, he was supposed to get two meals for $4? I wonder why he cannot figure out this for himself. I hope the people did not get in trouble for his jerkiness.

    1. Yes! Why would the food they had just put on his tray suddenly be only fit for the wastebasket when he needed to leave before eating it? I think he didn't want to put it in the to-go box himself.

      I can't imagine other people complaining. Unless maybe that lady who got a smaller Christmas present delivered to her house than her neighbor!

  3. Some people are just like that for no reason at all. Probably they get born with a contrary nature and the rest of us just have to ignore or tolerate them.

    1. He was mad because the world was revolving around the budget and rules of the Senior Center, and not around HIM!

  4. Hmmmm....... Mother's brothers are all dead, but she liked to create scenes like that, just because she could. I only do it when I am on the phone with customer service and getting nowhere. Somewhere out there I have a half brother 9 years older than me. The guy sounds like he is bi-polar and needs some medication. Throwing out a tray of food he would have eaten if not for the phone call is just wasteful and we all know how I feel about that!

    1. I'm pretty sure the Senior Center gets federal funding, so they can't just be wasting food all willy-nilly! This guy definitely has issues with people and his perception of how they treat him, but it comes and goes. So bi-polar would fit with his behavior.
