Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Logic of The Pony

The Pony had a migraine when he got off work around 6:30 on Monday. He popped some Excedrin, took a hot bath, and asked me to give him a wake-up call at 6:00 a.m. 

The Pony still sounded kind of stuffy the next morning, but his migraine was gone. He was surprisingly chatty, killing time before getting out of bed to take out his trash, and shower for work. During our conversation, I discovered that The Pony is not so detail-oriented in his home life as he must be in his work life.

"Oh, when I'm off tomorrow, remind me to get gas, and go over to Bill-Paying Town to do my errands. I still have 5-6 miles left before I run out. So I put off driving over there when my prescription was ready. Oh, and I need to run by the Urgent Care and pay my bill from when I was there a couple months ago."

"You only have 5-6 miles of gas left??? That's not right! You could run out!"

"Mother. I only drive my car to work. The worst that could happen is that I have to walk home."

"Then how would you get gas in your car? Call Dad for help?"

"Yeah. Hopefully he has a gas can."

"Stop doing that! Keep your tank half full! That's what I do. And why are you driving over there to pay Urgent Care?"

"They ran my insurance, and then sent me a bill for what's left. But I don't have an envelope. So I figured it's just as easy to drive over there and pay it."

I'm really not clear on the concept of IRONY, but I think maybe a mailman not having an envelope might qualify.


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe I'm starting to get a grasp on that concept!

  2. Oh, that last line made me laugh out loud!

    1. The Pony is in the post office every day! They sell cards and envelopes at the front counter! How hard could it be to get an envelope?

  3. Whoa! Who can even calculate when they have 5 -6 miles worth of gas left in their car? Ha! I've never heard of such a thing. I'm with you. Half a tank of gas is time for me to fill up unless I'm on a long trip. Then, maybe 1/4 a tank of gas before a fill up. I drive a Prius:)

    1. I hate to assume, but maybe from EXPERIENCE? The Pony said "The gauge is not quite to the point where the gas pump symbol lights up, meaning I'm out."

  4. I am guessing experience, too. Introduce him to lists. That will be a bigger favor than reminding him. He can buy a box of 40 envelopes at Dollar Tree. Can't he pay over the phone? Or online?
    Yes, that is irony. For Christmas he should have gotten a box of envelopes and a gas can! Maybe for his birthday?

    We are using blank pages from a day planner for notes. He might have something like that lurking.

    Being a parent and teaching never stops!

    1. The Pony has most of his bills set up for automatic pay. Something occasional like this, he waits for the bill. There's usually an extra charge to pay over the phone. I don't know if this place offers payment online.

      For once, I have mastered the concept of irony! Heh, heh! Maybe I'll get The Pony a box of envelopes for his birthday that's coming up next month. There's no guarantee that he knows how to address one! Even though he looks at hundreds of them a day. Hick probably has a spare gas can.

  5. Yep, that's irony. I hope he listens to you and keeps his tank half full from now on.

    1. That irony thing is probably my major accomplishment since that time I found out that England is an ISLAND! I hope The Pony doesn't let his gas tank get so low again, but something tells me that he will.

  6. He knows he has back-up and can always call you for help!

    1. That's true. The Pony may not have gassed like this when he was 9 hours away in Norman, Oklahoma.
