Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Warm Hands, Cold Heart

With the single-digit temperatures and below-zero wind chill, I have kept myself at home since Saturday. Since the forecast Tuesday called for a high of 18, I decided it was safe to venture out again. Those scratchers aren't going to buy themselves! We were also running low on bananas, so a trip to 10Box was on the agenda.

I told Hick on Monday night that I regretted giving The Pony both pairs of cheap gloves I had bought there on Saturday. I figured he could cut the fingertips off for ease in sorting through his letter deliveries. The Pony is always losing gloves. I suppose it's genetic. I can never find mine once winter rolls around again. I told Hick I hoped 10Box was not out of gloves.

"Your gloves are right there! At the end of the couch. On the arm, under them pillows."

Huh. There indeed seemed to be a pair of gloves on the far end of the long couch. I made mental note. When getting ready to leave for town on Tuesday, I went to pick up my gloves. So much for Hick's eyesight! It was not a pair of gloves at all. It was a zippered case with ends for splicing computer wires. A set I had ordered for Hick a while back, when he was going to fix something in my dark basement lair, but decided on getting the whole box contraption instead.

Off I went to town, driving T-Hoe with my thumbs, fanning my hands out like butterfly wings from the steering wheel, to catch the toasty air from the heater set at 80 degrees. At the store, the glove display where I got The Pony's knit gloves for under $2 per pair was empty. But on an end cap at the paper plate aisle, I found myself some gloves!

Leather palms, people! The price was $6.21, and with the 10 percent added at the register, my gloves were $6.83. I could have gone with a Goretex version, but they were more bulky, and would have set me back another couple of bucks. I am looking forward to warm hands on my next trip to town!

Hick was home to help carry in the bags, and unpacked my gloves. 

"You HAVE gloves! I seen them in the hall closet by the towels, when I got out some toilet paper."

"Uh huh. You also told me that my gloves were on the arm of the couch!"

"They ARE!"

"Go look. Then tell me."

"I can see them from here, but I'll look. Huh. That's The Pony's GameBoy games."

"No. Open up the case."

"I don't have to. I know it's the games."

"You're RIGHT THERE! It's not games. It's that case of wire end thingies that you got to fix my computer in the basement."

"Huh. That IS wire ends. Genius must have ordered them for something."

Never mind that Genius hasn't lived here since 2013. I have not yet gone to look for my "gloves" in the hall closet. I'm not all that confident in Hick's report of my glove sighting. Also, I begrudge him the two rolls of toilet paper that he stole for the flip house.


  1. THe best way to find something that is missing is to buy a new one.

    1. So true! That happened last year with the containers I use for my gift Chex Mix. I sent Hick to buy some, then found a stack in the pantry.

  2. Those gloves look like they should keep your hands toasty warm:) It never hurts to have additional pairs of gloves so if you find your old pair, good for you. I keep a couple of pairs in my car console as well as the gloves I wear into/out of the house so if I misplace a pair, I know there's another pair close by.

    1. I know they're not in T-Hoe's console, because I was just looking in there before the frigid snap, putting my new insurance card in there. They MIGHT be in the glove compartment (heh, heh, the name is obvious!), but I don't think so.

      I always wear my gloves into the house, and then not out again when the weather is warm. So the last place they were was on the kitchen counter, and were probably hastily stowed away somewhere when I was cleaning it off to serve food there for company.

  3. I would definitely be looking in the hall closet, just to see what is there that Hick is mistaking for gloves. Your new gloves look very warm, but since you stated that you always lose them why not buy extra right away? I could send you some of my "never-lose-anything-vibe" but I don't think it would survive the cold.

    1. I looked this morning, and there was definitely a pair of gloves in the hall closet. Definitely NOT MY SIZE. Maybe I'll get a picture of them. It's not like anything else is happening around here.

      If I bought extra gloves before the day I needed them, they would get LOST! Your vibe would arrive with icicles on it, then shatter into a million pieces if jostled by a careless thought.

    2. My several pairs of gloves all live in the bedroom in the same drawer as the beanies and scarves, it's where I put them when I take them off. Every time. Just like my mother did. Her words: "put it where it belongs and you will never lose it." German organisational skills learned from day one.

    3. As you might guess, I do not have a glove drawer. Though my grandma was German, and a no-nonsense type of gal.

  4. Does Hick wear glasses? Should he? I guess that last question isn't really necessary, now is it? Hang onto those gloves before they disappear with the mysterious Hick-ster.

    1. Yes. And YES! Which makes me a bit nervous about sweaving along the back roads with Hick on the way to the casino.

      Hick used to have many of gloves of assorted kinds, in his truck, leftover from work. He had a lot of plain white cotton gloves they used for handling the steel saw blades. And special gloves for butchers that prevented cuts, from their knife blade division. I can't remember the other kinds, but Hick was always well-stocked for gloves. Just not the winter kind.

  5. I have not even looked for my gloves. I should since twice I have had to hold onto the metal ramp, saying, "I should get my gloves out." I bought cheap gloves just to hold onto the often dirty and wet ramp. I know where those are, so getting them out. If I talk about something long enough, I figure it out.

    1. Reminding people to look for their gloves. Just one more service Val provides to the community!

  6. What are gloves, anyway? (...Bruce/Catalyst, in Arizona)

    1. Heh, heh. You may not need them, but we do! You are about to see another example...

  7. When my girls were young, I would buy 12 pairs for $1 each, all the same color. If they lost one glove, they only had to take another out of the drawer. Worked well. A few years back our school was going on a field trip outdoors and the weather was very cold. The younger teachers texted me wanting to borrow gloves!

    1. That's a good strategy. There are worse things to be known for, rather than being the "glove lady!"

  8. I keep my gloves in my coat pocket. If I need them, they are there, if I don't, they are still there. HeWho always has mismatched ones and I am not sure how he manages to do that. I offered that suggestion of coat pockets and he jusr looked at me like I may have lost my mind. My mind is intact and so are my gloves! I have more than one jacket and all three have gloves in the pocket.

    1. I might do that if I was wearing a regular coat. But I leave that in T-Hoe for emergencies. Just going from house to garage, and T-Hoe to convenience store, my core stays pretty warm with a thermal shirt, long-sleeve shirt, and my knit jacket. I need the small pockets in it for my keys and phone.

    2. In Minnesota the kids gloves are attached to a long cord that is threaded through the coat sleeves, so that they are always there, dnagling at the end of the sleeve and they stay put when the kids remove their jackets.

    3. The Pony needs that cord! He's already lost one of the grocery store gloves I bought him 2 pairs of.
