Saturday, January 13, 2024

In His Own Subtle Way, Hick Unspokenly Declares, "Those are NACHO chips!"

Remember several days ago, when Hick won some Christmas-colored nacho chips at Senior Center bingo? We used them on Friday night to make super nachos. Well. I am the one who made them. Hick just provided the chips.

Nom-nom! That's mine, on a small paper plate. Hick had the regular size paper plate. You can't see the nacho chips here, but they are on the bottom of the plate. We don't like them to get soggy, so just put one layer, then have a bowl of chips on the side for dipping. No liquid cheese for us. 

nacho chips
shredded cheese
shredded lettuce
more shredded cheese
warmed-up white meat chicken chunks
sour cream
black olives

Hick leaves off the olives. I left out the onion, because I had already spent 45 minutes standing at the cutting block making Hick's, then mine.

I called Hick to get his plate as I was dabbing on the sour cream, and to make his own bowl of side chips. When I turned to get the bag to start my own super nacho plate, it was 1/3 full. AND most of the full-size chips were gone. After lining my plate with the best ones, I had the crumbles left for myself.

No, the chip bowl is not bigger than my nacho plate! Just the perspective. The nacho chips were surprisingly good. Crunchy and salty, not due to expire until mid-February. Heh, heh! They're not gonna make it that long. Hick was done eating when I just got started. He brought back a few nacho chips in his bowl, so I had some bigger ones, and poured my crumbs into a baggie for a future snack.

It was quite a hearty meal. Glad I don't eat lunch. I had plenty of room, and only a few soggy chips with lettuce left to throw away.


  1. That looks so good! I love lunches or dinners like that.

    1. It was really good. I love black olives! Hick doesn't know what he's missing.

  2. I have never seen such red and green chips.

    1. They were the store brand, Great Value, and labeled as HOLIDAY Tortilla Chips. I don't know how good a marketing plan that was. I prefer my tortilla chips to be beige, so I don't try to taste any exotic flavors that my eyes expect.

  3. It does look very delicious, but my kids would object to no melted cheese, as far as they're concerned melted cheese is what nachos are all about.

    1. I make a delicious melted cheese, which is Velveeta and Rotel (diced roasted tomatoes and green chiles). We just don't like it poured over our chips, because we don't eat them fast enough, and they get soggy. So we also dip our chips when we have the melted cheese.

  4. That looks a lot healthier than melted cheese! HeWho would eat around the lettuce, or maybe drown it with bleu cheese dressing. I keep trying to convince him that the dressing is supposed to compliment the salad, but he thinks the salad shoul compliment the dressing. Backwards thinking!

    1. My weakness in these nachos (besides the obvious, the OLIVES) is the salsa. Sometimes I even have a ramekin of it on the side. It is SO SALTY. Yet so delicious.
