Thursday, January 11, 2024

Even Steven Provides a Welcome Coincidence for Val

Remember how I saved a Snickerdoodle since Christmas Day, until I regained my taste after having a cold? And Hick ATE IT without telling me? Well. Even Steven has my back.

Tuesday, I went in 10Box to get a bag of sweet onions and some sour cream for when we make nachos out of Hick's bingo "price" of red and green tortilla chips. The onions were in the middle of the store, straight ahead from the entrance door. The sour cream was in the back right corner of the store. I turned from putting the sour cream in my cart, and wheeled by a table that had SNICKERDOODLES! That can't be just a coincidence. I have not seen Snickerdoodles in that store before. The main display of bakery items like this is in the front of the store, in the opposite corner from the dairy products.

Of course I put them in my cart! I feel like it was destiny.

I told Hick that I bought those Snickerdoodles for ME, but that he could have half of them. Then I changed my mind, and said he could have ONE LESS THAN half of them! You know. To be fair. I haven't tried one yet, but Hick took two of them that night.

Yes. That's how Hick opens a package. He ripped off the label that said the cookies were Snickerdoodles. Then, rather than taking two steps to the left to throw it in the wastebasket that sits under the counter where my dishwasher should go... he stuck it to the top of the package. What kind of psycho does THAT?

Anyhoo... the cookies look pretty good, even though they are plump and not flat.

I sure hope they taste like Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts. I know the texture won't be the same as those Genius cookies I so enjoyed (one of).

These Snickerdoodles will be left on the cutting block. Not on the table next to Hick's recliner.


  1. Yay for Even Steven:) I hope the Snickerdoodles are as good as the ones that Genius made for you but homemade are the best.

    1. I tried one, and sadly, they are not as good as the Genius version. I will still eat them, though! Especially that extra one, to deny it to Hick!

  2. If I am to stay out of something, it must not be within arm's length! I have been known to take my portion of something, put it in a plastic bag and hide it.

    1. You'd think Hick would stay out, just to avoid my wrath! I guess I should have told him I was saving the Genius cookies. He had shown little interest in them, save for being the first to try one when Genius handed them over. He never ate any more in front of me. I just assumed he was feasting on other sugar-filled treats.

      These are definitely out of arm's reach, and I can hear and see him getting one in the kitchen. Can't supervise if he gets home from town before me, though.

  3. I sure hope you counted them before you alerted Hick to their presence and the rules. I think if I had bought them I'd either parcel out my mate's share and hide the rest. Or maybe just hide the whole bloody lot!

    1. Oh, I counted them all right! Hick has three left. He hasn't had any since the first two. He was playing bingo the next night, and full from the Senior Center meal and take-home box on Thursday. Plus, he ate the rest of his bingo price Godiva chocolates.

  4. I think you need to throw a towel over them just to be safe.

    1. Yes, I might do that. I think it will be effective. Hick would never waste energy to look under a towel.

  5. I must have a different recipe because my snickerdoodles don't look like that, mine are slightly puffy and without the crispy brown topping, whatever that is. I may have to get an original recipe from you via Genius.

    1. Most homemade ones are smaller and puffier. If only that topping was crispy! It's the same as the rest of the cookie, and virtually flavorless. I think it's supposed to be cinnamon sugar.

  6. HIDE THEM! I think you shold have put his in a ziplock, just for him with his name on it. I would sabotage them with salt or something, so that if you buy more he will never want one.

    1. Wow! You are hard-core! You should start a Revenge Boot Camp.
