Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Yo Ho Ho and a Barbecue Pizza

Here it is Wednesday, and I haven't showed you Hick's "price" (unwon, of course) and meal at bar bingo LAST Wednesday. 

The grand prize was a little unusual. A basket of BOOZE, as Hick called it:

That prize would be a little pricey if bought at a store. Being a bar, they probably had a discount for bulk purchases. I pity the poor gal who was sitting at that table! Didn't leave her much room for her meal.

Hick slacked off on the fried food that evening:

He had a barbecue chicken pizza, and a brand-name beer. I'm guessing that's ranch dressing drizzled over the pizza. And also that Hick had more than one beer.

Don't worry about Hick wasting away from cutting out his two baskets of fried foods. Remember, he also ate lunch with The Pony at a Mexican restaurant on this day!


  1. That looks like great prizes. The pizza almost looks like a sweet tart with icing drizzled across it.

    1. Yes, that would be a great prize for non-teetotalers! The first thing I thought, when I saw the pizza, was that it had a drizzle of the sweet, sweet icing that comes in a tube of cinnamon rolls.

  2. I won a bottle of booze when we did not drink. Maybe a drinker won that.

    1. A drinker, or someone with drinking friends! They'd make good tokens of appreciation. Hick was happy when a guy gave him a bottle of Wild Turkey at his Storage Unit Store.

  3. Like the rest of you, I thought it was a dessert pizza! I could eat one right now! Too bad he didn't win the price, it would have provided many gifts or bribes!!

    1. It would have provided many a quiet evening for me, after pouring Hick a generous cocktail!
