Sunday, January 14, 2024

If At Twenty-First You Don't Succeed, Fry, Fry, Fry Again

I don't know exactly how many times Hick has gone to play bingo at the sports bar on Wednesday night, but he's been going every week for months now. And still hasn't won a prize. Or PRICE, as he calls it. They don't just have one grand prize every week. They have about 7-8 prizes throughout the night. Of course, there are over 200 people playing. And they're not the elderlies that Hick beats at Senior Center bingo. So Hick is content with not-winning.

Hick really goes there for the companionship with some of his Senior Center worker cronies. That's what he says, but I suspect it has something to do with the bar food. Last week, he ordered TWO dishes.

Hick started with the onion strings. I guess those we had at the catfish restaurant a couple weeks ago made him want to try this version.

Then Hick ordered his main course, chicken strips with fries.

No, your eyes are not blurry. It's the picture out of focus. Maybe Hick had the jimmy-hands, or maybe Hick had one too many adult beverages at this point. Anyhoo... here's the exact text I got with the pictures:

"Oinion straps and chicken straps 40 inch TV for prize"

You know for sure something is up when Hick actually uses the word PRIZE.

Anyhoo... I don't begrudge Hick a night out, gorging on three fried foods, with hopes of winning something.


  1. My oh my, that Hick is having himself a big time this winter! Nice of him to keep you informed and send pictures of all that good food YOU'RE not going to get!

    1. Hick has a standing order to send me pictures of his food and the grand prize from Wednesday night bingo. That's for blog purposes, not to check if he is really at Wednesday night bingo! He sends me his Senior Center "price" pictures because he's so proud of himself for beating the elderlies.

      I don't mind seeing food that I don't get. Hick spends his weekly allowance money on his Wednesday night festivities, so I have no issue with what he gets. Same as he has no issue if I spend my weekly allowance on scratchers. Heh, heh, at least I sometimes WIN!

  2. That is a lot of fried food. But, the straps all look delicious. I am assuming he did not win the 70 inch prize TV.

    1. Yeah, Hick had a regular ex-STRAP-aganza for supper! You are correct about Hick not-winning a prize.

  3. I like fried foods myself, but wonder if so much fried food isn't bad for Hicks diabetes. The only thing I have fried lately is eggs and last night a small schnitzel from my freezer.

    1. With all the sugar Hick eats daily, I think the fried foods will not be the downfall for his diabetes!

  4. I doubt HeWho would send a picture of the fried food extravaganza to me, as I would be reminding him that it was not on his cardio diet. Yesterday he was on a mission to find some tubing for the new turtle habitat. He was gone quite awhile, which was peaceful for me and the dogs, but then I started to worry. He stopped at the grocery to pick up some vanilla ice cream FOR ME. I didn't ask for it, he acted like he was just thinking of me. I noticed he was having difficulty putting his purchase in the freezer .... This was because he also bought a box of Banquet fried chicken and later ATE THE ENTIRE BOX meant to feed a family of four. I told him to save the box. I want to have it on hand when he has his next heart attack, so I can shove it in his face and say "I told you so!"

    1. Dang! Banquet fried chicken is EXTRA fried, even though you heat it in the oven! Thanks for reminding me that I should go to the Country Mart over in Sis-Town to get the Monday dark meat special! I love their fried chicken, but even I can't eat the equivalent of a Banquet box full!
