Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Hick Is the New Spider On LSD

Remember back in the 1970s, the picture of a normal spider web, and the picture of a web made by a spider on LSD? Not sure how they gave the spider LSD, but that misshapen web image is still with me. I was reminded of it on Tuesday, when helpful helpmate Hick put away the bananas.

Let the record show that I appreciate Hick taking time out of his busy BARn schedule to come carry in groceries for me. I suppose I pretty much appreciate Hick trying to put things away, even if I have to rearrange those items later, after I find what he's done with them. Seems to me that Hick's true motive is to see what goodies I've brought home. Joke's on him, because there were items meant for The Pony, which he will be delivering on Wednesday.

Anyhoo... I had two bunches of bananas. One for immediate eating, and one for eating later after they'd ripened. Hick tore them asunder. Here's how he placed them in the banana bowl:

What kind of psycho does THAT??? Look how Hick ripped them stem from stem, and tossed them all willy-nilly into the bowl. The only thing he got right was putting the mostly-green bananas in the back, and the mostly-yellow bananas in the front.

When I put them away, I take a bit more care with the arrangement:

I line them up in the order they should be eaten. Ripest first. We each have a banana every morning. No need to fish around in the bowl. Your banana is right there in the front, ready for taking.

Hick doesn't even have the excuse of LSD, or being part of an experiment.


  1. You and Hick are better than me. I keep all the bananas attached and separate as needed. Ha!

    1. I've tried hanging the bunch on a banana hook thingy, but Hick broke two of those. If I left them attached, he would select the biggest one each morning, regardless of their ripeness.

  2. Maybe they WERE part of some bizarre experiment. I washed all the dishes last night except for the plate and utensils HeWho ws using. You would have thought he could have easily washed them, but he left them on the new stove for my viewing pleasure.

    1. Just to draw your attention to his Christmas gift of your new stove, I'm sure...

  3. We buy about 3 bananas at a time. I like them green, so I eat the first one, and then they ripen for my husband to eat.

    1. You complement each other with bananas, like Jack Sprat and his wife with their fat and lean.

  4. I'm the only one that eats bananas anymore. My husband doesn't think they taste like they should or like they used to. I don't know, but I eat at least one a day. I leave them in a bunch, in a bowl on the DR table. I'm a bit more anal and have to remove the stuck-on labels too. They bug me and are sometimes a royal pain in the butt to remove but I always persevere. Ranee (MN)

    1. I always remove the label before I peel a banana, but I'm not doing it for Hick!

  5. But boy can he fix up a house for flipping. Hey, "flipping"! Maybe he was thinking of flipping another house and . . . . naaaaahhh.

    1. Speaking of flipping... there's a story coming up. I'm glad Hick's houses turn out better than his bananas!

  6. Never separate bananas from the bunch until you need one because...because...I don't know, just because! (That's how I learn from Mrs C)

    1. BECAUSE Mrs. C doesn't want you building a Jenga tower out of the bananas like Hick.

  7. I eat a banana each day. Well, I eat half a banana because I have diabetes. Neither Tommy nor baggers or anyone at the store touches them. I cradle them in my arm so no one can bruise them.
    Tommy knows if he must touch them to be careful. I often buy one to eat today or tomorrow and wait for the green ones I buy to ripen. It is complicated! Even if they are separated, I would never stack them all crazy like Hick did.
    He probably is looking for goodies.

    1. Those baggers love to put pointy-cornered boxes, or heavier items like 3 lb bags of onions, on top of the bananas!

      I agree that Hick is looking for goodies. Too bad that I carried in the bag holding two Symphony candy bars for The Pony! Hick could have gotten his hopes up, then had them crushed.

  8. My bananas don't even get a bowl. I sit the bunch on top of the microwave and rip one off for eating when it is ready.

    1. Our bananas get the bowl, because the microwave is built into the cabinets, above the stove.
