Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Depth of Ice

I gave The Pony a wakeup call at 6:00 on Monday. The forecast was freezing rain that started at 4:00 a.m., continuing through noon. The Pony was already up, putting in a load of laundry. We chatted for a while, with me turning it into more of a pep talk. Hick had already cautioned The Pony to lift his windshield wiper blades overnight, so as not to burn up the motor if they froze to the windshield.

Of course I relayed my worry to The Pony. Sitting on my comfy short couch under a blanket, advising him how to do his job.

"Take it slow. Be careful on the sidewalks. I'm sure those people aren't out spreading salt."

"I wear the cleats they give us. I feel really bad sometimes, when I go up on a wood porch, and I feel them grabbing at the wood."

"Still, better than risking a fall. I worried all last week that you might fall and hit your head and--"

"Be eaten by dogs?"

"No! Well, that too. But mainly that you could freeze to death while unconscious."

"Yeah. Wearing cleats is easier than dealing with Worker's Comp."

"Uh huh. I'm pretty sure Delores in Kansas City is not feeling particularly efficient these days."

"Oh, just to give you a look at what you should have been worrying about this past week, I'm going to send you two pictures."

"That's what I've been dealing with on my route all week."

"Yikes! Do you have to walk on that?"

"A little. But here's the other view."

"I have to drive over it. I just get my speed to what I think is best, then keep my foot off the gas and brake, and my fingers off the steering wheel, hoping my Metris will just roll over it without skidding or sliding. So far, it has."

Yeah. That didn't increase my anxiety at all...

Anyhoo... The Pony ended up walking to work, rather than driving. The temperature was 28 at the time. Not sure of the wind chill, but better than it has been for a week.

"Made it in with a couple falls. Mail didn't actually make it here, so it's just packages today. Gonna do mine, maybe a few more when I see how it is."

"Be careful!"

"I will be! Got my cleats. Not rushing. Over 30 call-outs today."

By 10:30, The Pony reported that temps had risen above freezing, and the glaze of ice should start melting soon. I thought that news might make me stop worrying, but it didn't!


  1. I would worry about my child in those conditions.

    1. I still have The Pony ensnared in my apron strings!

  2. I would be worried about him, too! Ice is nasty. I never inded driving or walking in the snow, it was the ice I hated. I was walking down my daughter's driveway to my car once when Gage (grandson) was about 7. He was outside playing in the snow and waving goodbye when both my feet were suddenly in the air and I landed on my butt. Gage was concerned, but couldn't stop laughing. He said, "Gramma, I am sorry to laugh, but it was so funny!" Nothing was hurt except my dignity.

    1. Nice to know you are good at entertaining the kids!

  3. That ice is scary stuff. I think I'd feel safer driving over it than walking on it. I've never worn ice cleats and I didn't know the PO provided them but I'm glad to hear that they do.

    1. I suppose such a perk might help get the employees to report to work! The Pony said over half of the office was out, the majority being rural carriers. I don't blame them! The non-main roads were not passable until afternoon. The risk of being hit by other motorists, even if they could do their route, would have been too dangerous. Now they'll just have double work today.

  4. I see a car frozen into the puddle there. I worry about your Pony at times like this and sometimes wonder why your country (and others) doesn't just completely shut down in weather like this. Then I get to thinking probably most people don't have a huge barn attached to the back porch and stocked to the rafters with necessities.

    1. We can't just walk down to the corner shop. No bus service in Backroads. Some people get their medicine delivered by mail. So... the schools may close, but businesses stay open, and their employees must find a way to get there, or face the consequences.

      That trash can is definitely frozen in, but the car may be on top of the ice. The Pony can choose not to deliver to addresses he deems unsafe, like frozen steps, or a loose dog. However, he says it's a hassle to bring the mail back and sort it for delivery the next day.
