Friday, January 19, 2024

Hick's Eyes Are Bigger Than My Hands

First Hick told me that my gloves were on the arm of the long couch. Yet when I looked, there were no gloves, just a zippered pouch holding splicing thingies for computer wires. 

Next, Hick told me that my gloves were in the hall closet with the towels and toilet paper. Upon checking that location, I did indeed find some gloves. They were not MY gloves!

Let the record show that I have normal hands. They are nowhere near as ample as my rumpus. That's my new glove on the left. The behemoth on the right is a glove from the hall closet.

Those are not Hick's gloves, either. Though his fingers are thicker, their length, and his palm size, are about the same as mine. These might have been Genius's gloves from way back. Genius has long fingers, though not a discernable palm! I used to say he had arm-fingers. His fingers went directly into his forearm. No palm or wrist. Like an alien! The Pony does not have hands that large, but his fingers are longer than mine and Hick's.

Anyhoo... I'm glad I bought myself some $6 gloves. The temp will be dropping into single digits, and -20 windchills again on Friday and Saturday. I am prepared! 

At least I have a very-much-too-large spare, in case I lose my new gloves.


  1. If it gets really cold you can slap those giant gloves over you dainty ones.

    1. Ooh! Good idea. Layering is the way to go.

  2. Perhaps they belong to your ghost.

    1. Let's hope not! I don't want a giant ghost that can slap me around! I want my ghost to be a petite little imp, like that Whammy guy on the old game show Press Your Luck.

  3. Layering is a good idea! It is cold here, too! Supposed to go into negative feel like temp tonight.

    1. We sent it your way. You're welcome! Oh, and there's another night coming. We're on our second night of it now.

  4. Joe does have a good idea there for those Lumberjack sized gloves.

    1. Yes, but I don't know if I could grip T-Hoe's steering wheel with the double-glove treatment. It might be like trying to use those astronaut gloves to manipulate something on the moon.
