Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Pony House: Bedroom 2, the Bones

The second bedroom of Pony House is at the back right side of the house. On the other side of the kitchen wall. Hick will be closing off that opening, and you will enter Bedroom 2 through a short hallway, off the passageway from the living room to the back door.

Here is Bedroom 2 as you stand in the kitchen, looking through the current doorway that will become a wall with the refrigerator on it. In the back right is a room that will become Bathroom 2. Straight across is an opening that will be closed up as a wall. Behind that opening will be the closed-in back porch.

Still looking into Bedroom 2 from the kitchen, you can see the framing of its doorway on the left. Straight across, in that corner, will be a closet that runs along to the doorway. Again, that other opening to the back porch will be a wall.

Here is the doorway to Bedroom 2. The furnace will be closed off in a utility room, with a short hall leading to this doorway. This view is standing in the area where there will be a half-bath, in the passageway between the living room and back door. Bedroom 2 has a nice big window.

Tomorrow, a couple photos of Bathroom 2.

Current floor plan for Pony House


  1. My husband can visualize this complete remodel. he has that kind of mind. It is like math to me, I see it, but I don't get it. Show me when it is complete and then I will. I am amazed at people who can do this. Your boy is going to be galloping happy!

    1. I can imagine how the rooms will be, but I have actually walked through Pony House. I always liked math, it's like a puzzle to solve.

      However... don't give me verbal directions for travel or putting something together, because I will never arrive, and will be left with extra pieces.

      The Pony is as excited about this house as he has ever been about anything.

  2. Replies
    1. It's no palace. It will be a safe, livable house, with ample room, and not a financial burden. So yes, it will be nice!
