Thursday, February 8, 2024

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Tuesday evening, Hick got a call. I could hear excited talking coming out of the phone. It was a female voice. Hick's replies didn't give me much info, except for him saying something was great. Of course I interrogated him when he was done.

"My buddy I play bingo with from the Senior Center just won the big prize! That was his wife. They were playing at a different bar. They play about three nights a week. Anyway, he hit the X on his card. He had to get it before 21 numbers. They were drawing #20, and his wife said, "You need a ....." and he GOT IT!" They were really excited. The prize was $8000! But then they found out that there are 41 other bars who have to report. So he might have to share it if somebody else got the X too."

Of course Hick went to play regular bar bingo the next night with them. Nobody else had hit the X, so the guy DID win $8000. According to Hick, "He had to pay $2800 in taxes, but the rest is all his." I told Hick it was his turn now!

Hick had the chicken strips and fries, and said the big prize was cash.

"How much?"

"They haven't said depends on crowd is what they told us."

"Seems like it would be the crowd in all those 40 places. But it doesn't cost to play, so why does the crowd matter?"

"Food and booze sales the prize comes out of bar money big money comes from money they have to pay for everyone to play."

Well. If you understand all that, you're better at reading Hick's mind that I am!

An hour later, I got another text from Hick:

"Not quite like my buddy's $8000 but I get in a drawing for something but she didn't say what."

"Ooh! That's something. Your first possible win!"

"Ya at least a win."

When Hick got home, he still didn't know if he won anything besides that can cozy. He DID know that he's in a drawing for St. Louis Blues hockey tickets. Hick has been to hockey games before, on FREE tickets given to him by vendors when he was still working. Genius loved hockey, and was always Hick's companion.

Now Hick just has to KEEP winning. 


  1. Whoo Hoo! I hope Hick wins the hockey tickets and continues to win. I wonder if this bar will prove to be Hick's lucky Bingo place. The government sure takes a lot out of the winnings don't they?

    1. At least Hick can say he finally won something! Yes, taxes take a big bite. My $8,600 casino jackpot was down to $6,400 when I walked out the door with it.

  2. That is a great win. Maybe this is the beginning of a streak.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. One would think that removing a double post would actually REMOVE IT, heh, heh! Blogger is crazy. So much for trying to spruce up the comments.

    2. Ooops! I wonder how I did that.

    3. I think Blogger was the problem. Something weird also happened to comments on my other blog the same day.

  4. $2800 for taxes? They really hit winners hard don't they! Still, $5300 is not to be sneezed at. I hope Hick wins big or wins free tickets.

    1. Gotta pay the piper! Even free money isn't free! Hick still doesn't know how this drawing works. Now he says it's only the local bar having this prize, and maybe it's a drawing for everyone who wins Game 3 for the month of February. I think he's making that up!

  5. After you remove the comment, you have to tell it to delete forever and it will disappear.

    1. I thought I did that. Didn't think you could just remove it temporarily!

  6. Everything is taxed! Even Social Security. Only Congress would think that was a good idea.

    1. Hick goes on a rant about how they take out taxes before you get the money you earn. They take out taxes again when you save what's left and earn interest. They take more when you buy something. They take more when you KEEP something, like your house/property/cars. They take more so you can have the privilege of working in your own business to make more money to start the cycle again.

      Don't get Hick started on taxes!
