Thursday, February 29, 2024

Faux Springtime, When a Middle-Aged Weirdo's Fancy Heavily Turns to Thoughts of Val

The weirdos have been coming out of the woodwork lately to swarm our gal Val. Well. They have been coming out of the casino, and the parking lots. Maybe it's the unseasonably warm weather of late. Faux springtime, when a middle-aged weirdo's fancy heavily turns to thoughts of Val. Or perhaps a pheromone Val is exuding unbeknownst to her. 

First it was the guy in the casino who thought it was his business to sit next to me, put a twenty in the machine, and push the button every minute or so, while watching MY slot play, and commenting on what I was winning. The second was a more indirect weirdo, whose encounter will be discussed in the future. The third happened Tuesday, at 10Box. That is our tale for today.

All the handicap spaces were taken! I did not do a close inspection of license plates, nor placards. I was in a bit of a hurry to get home and enjoy my Hickless time while he was at Tuesday night bingo, from whence he returns 90 minutes earlier than from his previous Wednesday night bingo.

Anyhoo, I was lucky enough to find open the far left parking space in front of the store. I like this one, because I don't have to walk across the driving lane, and the spaces are offset so nobody can block T-Hoe's door while I'm inside. I was only there for bananas, trash bags, and baby dill pickles.

As I parked, I saw a guy with a bicycle sitting on the employee smokers' bench. He was probably mid-40s, average size, average haircut, wearing khaki shorts and a tank top. Temps were in the upper 70s. He has been there before, but not for several months. Here's a picture I got later, without the weirdo. More on that in a bit.

I got out, clicked T-Hoe's doors locked, and grabbed a cart that had been left there at the corner of the store and the propane tank lock box. Weirdo gave me a reverse head nod, and said, "What's up?"

I nodded back, and said, "Hey." Just a generic acknowledgement. 

"I'm here every day if you want to go for a ride."

EWWW! That is just inappropriate! Seriously! I imagine you have a fairly accurate image of what Val looks like. It is definitely not a physique which one might associate with going for a bike ride on somebody's handlebars!!!

I ignored that invitation, and cart/walked myself in and did my business. When I came out, I didn't see Weirdo as I put my meager purchases in T-Hoe's rear and pushed the cart back up against the propane tank holder. Once in the driver's seat, getting ready to write down my receipt total, I saw Weirdo come walking across in front of those stacked bags, to sit down again.


I wanted to get a picture, but not with Weirdo watching me. And I did NOT want to sit there to write down my receipt total. I started T-Hoe. With that, Weirdo got up and walked toward me (!) but was actually turning the corner to go toward the store entrance. The minute his back was turned, I reached for my phone.

BUT WAIT! Weirdo turned back around! I put it down. He was motioning to me! Looked back and forth at the driving lane, and gave a grand gesture for me to back out. What in the actual Not-Heaven? From that end parking space, it is easy for me to see what's coming. I stubbornly waited. Just because. Weirdo turned around and walked to the store double-doors. I got my pictures, then backed out and drove up to the other end of the lot to write down my receipt and on my scratchers.

If any of you elderly, lame, ample-rumpused ladies would like a bicycle ride, your chariot awaits. The driver might be inside, sprucing up in the bathroom sink.


  1. Oh Val, If that happened to me, I'd be laughing all the way home. I hope you don't run into him again. I think he thinks he's your new best friend. Ha!

    1. He WAS very polite! But I'm more comfortable with that young guy who pulled the Casey's door shut in my face as he entered ahead of me.

  2. From your last picture, it appears as if he may be homeless. Wonder where he goes when the weather changes? Perhaps he thought you might take him home and offer him a place to live. Or something. 😲

    1. That's not much stuff for a homeless. Surely he would need winter clothing to survive. It IS February, and I don't know how much you can trust other such cohorts not to take your stuff while you are gone.

      I'm thinking maybe he was out junking in dumpsters on his bike, and needed a box and bag to store his acquisitions.

      He was at least polite. Not asking for anything. I will usually toss a few dollars to such a person who asks nicely. I don't care if it goes to food or alcohol or vapes or drugs. I'm not the Morality Police.

  3. You got hit on! Happened once to me. Got the look-over and then some words. I asked if he was hitting on me. He chuckled and turned away.

    1. Heh, heh! Everybody has a "type," I guess. One of my colleagues encountered a guy in a grocery store, asking her how to bake a cake. She told him the directions were on the box, and he said he couldn't read. She was a special education teacher, so of course took the time to tell him what to do. Maybe it was legit. Maybe not...

  4. Replies
    1. He was a bit overly-familiar for my tastes. He needs a new line for people like me! Obviously, I'm not the bike-riding type.

  5. Your new friend seems like he may be lonely and in want of companionship. Too bad you don't have someone you really don't like to hook him up with. How did you keep from laughing when he offered a ride? There is a certain age when riding the handlebars is definitely over, like maybe 10 or 12.

    1. I could never inflict such a hook-up on either of them! I used my teaching experience to respond to his offer. Just a bemused look, while telling myself, "Do NOT engage!"
