Friday, February 16, 2024

It May Not Be a Beauty, But It Will Be Serviceable

Hick has been working on the Beauty Shop apartment at the Double Hovel flip house. He emailed me a plan of the bedroom and bathroom last week.

"I know you don't like drawings but this I think works out pretty good. This is the back part haven't figured out kitchen and living yet."

In typical Hickical fashion, he did not provide any orientation for his drawing. No north or south or reference to the other house on the property, or location of the front door. I was viewing it on my phone, and could not see where he had marked the door.

I DID notice that he had arranged the bathroom fixtures exactly like we have in the boys' bathroom here in our mansion. Which is great, because I had been talking for two weeks about how it was the perfect use of space in a bathroom. I'm really glad Hick had that idea...

Anyhoo... when Hick finally told me, after an hour of interrogation, that the head of the bed points at the other flip house, I could picture the plan inside the Beauty Shop. I spun the drawing around, as if I was standing in the front door looking in across the living room area.

It looks reasonable. I think maybe he should have the bedroom door swing the other way, so it won't hit that closet or dresser or whatever he plans to put there. Better start talking about that before he puts in the wall and the door! As you can see, Hick DOES plan to have a washer and dryer in a little laundry area with folding louvered doors. It won't be a palace, but a suitable space for a single person.

Hick put in the bathtub yesterday.

Don't go grabbing your rubber ducky just yet! Hick merely set it in place. Still needs to put the splash boards around it, and the faucet and shower head and plumbing. It will have a rod with a shower curtain, not an enclosure. He's got the toilet drain ready. It's still looking better than the last picture Hick sent two weeks ago of that area of the Beauty Shop:

Hick is a man with a plan.


  1. Very nice. Anyone thinking of living in a tiny home would welcome this much larger version of it. The house will really have all the areas that are needed to make a nice home as well as a yard to go along with it.

    1. It will have everything it needs for living comfortably, if not extravagantly. Hick is putting in a kitchen counter with room for two stools, because there won't be much space for a table. Still, there will be the separate bedroom for sleeping, a full bathroom, and laundry. Kitchen/living room will be open to each other. The yard is a plus, because the weather is nice enough to be out there for over half the year.

      I never understood why the tiny house people would want a loft bedroom where they can't even sit up in bed, or stand to get dressed!

  2. It is looking far better already and I do like a bathroom with enough space to move around in without bumping into fixtures. Mine here is huge and includes the laundry as well, but still has plenty of space. Other bathrooms in other flats are much smaller so I'm glad I have this flat in spite of the tiny kitchen and no linen closet.

    1. Yes, I think you should have enough room in a bathroom to get dressed after a bath. And not be stubbing your toes or whacking your elbows on the walls or fixtures.

      Hick works pretty fast, but he got a notice for jury duty today, so we'll see if that hampers his progress.

  3. Looking like a good plan!! I am still convincing HeWho that we need more space. He bought a printer (why? we really have no need of one), then asked where he could set it up. I told him he could put it IN his recliner or on HIS side of the bed .... or we could add more space. He was silent.

    1. I still have not tried to fix my non-printing new printer. I am just postponing the eventual clarification of its death. What I need is a simple printer that prints and copies. No apps, no link to phone or other devices. A simple printer to print and copy. Like a printer version of the JITTERBUG PHONE!

      If we lived closer, Hick could build HeWho a themed PRINTER SHED. It shouldn't need much space, and a hole screwed through the side would allow for an extension cord!

    2. He could actually put it in his stained glass shed. I am just using any reason to tell him to cinsider the fact that we need more space.

    3. Good luck with that! You know that you have to make it seem like his idea.
