Monday, February 5, 2024

A Timely Justification For Decrepit Mailbox Row

Not even a week ago, I showed pictures of EmBee while complaining about pointing out the LIARS AT FEDEX when they misdelivered The Pony's package. In case you were wondering why we persist in keeping our mailboxes in the decrepit casing that is Mailbox Row...

Between Saturday evening when I came home, and Sunday afternoon when I started to town, ne'er-do-wells had once again attacked Mailbox Row. They also hit other mailboxes on the county blacktop road.

This neighbor out on the blacktop county road was lucky, I suppose. The vandals didn't knock the mailbox off the post. Only bashed the top, so mail can still be delivered.

Here's the view of Mailbox Row as I returned from town. Pictures were not convenient as I left, though the damage had already been done.

The lonely mailboxes, unprotected from evil-doers, who attack under cover of darkness.

Poor, defenseless mailboxes, their doors bent down like panting tongues.

Just plain meanness. No reason to bend the doors down, other than SPITE because they couldn't knock the mailboxes off the post, nor smash the bejeebers out of them. There's no incentive for us to build an aesthetically-pleasing case for these mailboxes, because it would be beat to NOT-HEAVEN within days. At least this one still serves its purpose of protecing the mailboxes enough that they don't have to be replaced many times a year.

Some people are just rumpusholes by nature.


  1. Stick a Ring camera up in one of those trees.

    1. Hick has a game camera that he put up over in the BARn field, after a neighbor said they saw somebody parked down by the BARn. I'm pretty sure someone would steal it if he set it at the mailboxes.

  2. How about a cast-iron casing for the mailboxes and a camera? I would just have to know who these people are. The cast iron would dent their baseball bats or 2x4. Actually, it might just hurt the people or their cars.

    1. The thick steel pipe of our mailbox works just fine. The shelf used to be only a plank of wood with mailboxes on top. Then it got enclosed after too many bashings. Hick loved the thought of those ne'er-do-wells hitting our mailbox in the cold, with a metal baseball bat. That had to hurt!

      The camera would be taken, I'm sure. It would have to be on the property by the gravel road along the creek, where it's noticeable on a tree. Not on the guy's property on the other side of the gravel road, or behind the mailboxes.

  3. That is a very sorry-looking row of mailboxes and I wish you could have something better, but what is strong enough to withstand bashing from hoodlums?

    1. There is a kind enclosed in hard plastic, on a hard plastic stand, but they are individual. Not sure how much room that would take up if everybody bought one. I also don't know if that kind could protect the doors.

  4. Not much to do out your way, huh? Altho, I can't understand why beating up a mailbox would be fun!

    1. About the only recreation is riding off-road vehicles in the state park. If you don't have one, I suppose bashing mailboxes makes the ne'er-do-wells feel manly.
