Friday, February 2, 2024

Liars, Dang Liars, and FedEx

Pony needs a new pair of pants. Well. Not any more. Barely.

The Pony's postal uniform pants cost an arm and a leg! Over $100 for one pair of pants. That's because they can only be ordered from approved vendors, using the yearly uniform allowance. I don't know for sure, but I think The Pony's amount is $500. Maybe a little less, since he's not brand-new any more. As you might surmise, The Pony can either go pantsless and have a coat to wear in the sub-zero temps. Or get a couple shirts and pairs of shorts to not expire from heat stroke in the summer. Or try to get one of everything over a few years, and do laundry every night. 

I don't know exactly what comprises The Pony's work wardrobe, but he had mentioned that he has two pairs of pants. I had seen online that some City Carriers supplement their uniforms with Ben Hogan golf pants and shorts from Walmart. The pants are the same style, and reasonable close in color, though more gray than blue. And they lack the stripe down the side. But still closer to the look of the uniform than random cargo pants or jeans. The shorts are remarkably similar in color, a denim heather, only lacking the stripes down the side.

Anyhoo... I told The Pony I'd get him a couple pairs of those pants, and a pair of shorts, to see if he liked them. He did. So on Tuesday, I ordered two more pairs of pants, and three of the shorts, at a grand total of $95 plus tax. That will give The Pony four of each. He doesn't work more than four days in a row. So it will help out with his budget and laundry.

I had no choice of shipping method. These items could not be delivered to our local store. FedEx was the shipping method. That's how the last ones came. A few days later than originally promised, but they got here with the stout red-headed young man who has made our FedEx delivery the last three times in a row. That's unusual. In the past, it's been a different driver every time.

Anyhoo... I thought nothing of it, because I was here during the scheduled delivery time between 10:50 and 1:50. I was sitting on the short couch, or in the kitchen tending some baked beans for supper.

At 1:27, I got an email that my package had been delivered at 1:18. Well. That was odd. I had heard nary a dog bark, nor a tread on the porch, nor a knock on the door. I went to get my package. 

NOTHING WAS THERE! I walked around the porch. Nothing by the front door, nothing by the back door, nothing on the side porch, nothing on the seat of Hick's lawnmower parked under the carport. I went back inside to read my email again. Delivered at 1:18. No signature necessary. Left at the front door. 

I called Hick.

"They probably left it down at that other lady's house again, like they kept doing with my breather parts. I'll check when I get home. I'll drive around the yard, then go ask her if she got a package that's not hers."

"Okay. Maybe you can put it on the Facebook out here to see if anybody else got it. The dogs are here. There's nothing in the yard except half a paper plate. I don't know where they got that."

My dogs eat their treats off the wood porch boards like a dog should! Not off paper plates like canine royalty.

I was NOT happy. Until this red-headed guy, FedEx has messed up more of our packages than they've delivered like they should.

This was my errand day. I was already running late, now that I'd wasted time looking for a package that was supposedly left at my front door by some invisible weightless person with a scent no dog could detect! I'd have to hurry to miss the after-school traffic. I was fuming all through my shower, and a bit cross with the dogs who gamboled so joyfully at my heels as I left. Shame on me. I had no evidence that they'd stolen my package.

Still fuming as I crept along at 5 mph to avoid a detour halfway to China in the giant pot holes that plague our mile of gravel road. As I neared the county blacktop road, something caught my eye:

It was my FRONT DOOR! Yeah. I'm being sarcastic. I would call that a MAILBOX. Not a front door. 

SOMEBODY at FedEx is a dirty, dirty liar! It's one thing to get lost and leave a package on the wrong front porch. It takes a true RUMPUSHOLE to stuff that package in a row of mailboxes on a county road a mile from the delivery address, and SAY IT WAS LEFT AT THE FRONT DOOR!

If it had been left at the wrong house out here, the resident would NOT have driven it out to the county road and stuffed it beside our mailbox. They would have driven it to our house, or called to say come and get it. This was pure lying laziness. FedEx is also the company that delivered a box containing The Pony's shoes last summer, and left it on top of the mailboxes. I'm pretty sure this was not done by our red-headed guy. After all, he's made it to our actual house three times this month. Must have been his day off.

Of course I sent a picture to The Pony. Who said, "Illlllegal!" Which it is, for anybody besides the USPS to put anything in or on a mailbox. Not that the USPS would do anything about it, unless it's a business stuffing their ads in a bunch of them. Then they get billed for postage.

FedEx LITERALLY broke our mailbox. Sure, it was falling apart and cracked before the stuffing. But not to that extent. See the splinter on top of EmBee? That wasn't there before. And her side walls were not split completely apart. Yeah. It's damaged more than it was before the stuffing. I wonder how many tries it took to jam that package in there.

Hope The Pony doesn't get splinters in his rumpus! I know I sure have a pain in mine.


  1. Wow Val! You were lucky to spot your package. I would probably have driven right past the mailboxes without noticing the package even if it was in my direct line of vision. Before I read your paragraph regarding the state of your mailbox, I was wondering why the left side panel of wood was slanted and crowding your mailbox:) I'm sure it'll do no good to complain to FedEx.

    1. I only noticed because I was thinking of the time they set that box of shoes on top. The mailbox wood has been splintery and broken for a while, but it looks like the pieces got shoved around trying to fit in The Pony's package. (Heh, heh, he would hate the phrasing!)

      The whole wooden case is due to kids banging the mailboxes with baseball bats. Once we put up the wooden shelf, they would jab the mailbox doors and bend them, and whack the wood until it broke.

      The only time we got anything resembling satisfaction from FedEx was when Hick called to complain about foot-deep ruts in our yard from their driver turning around, even though there is ample room on the carport and driveway. He kept going until he got somebody powerful enough who offered to pay for a landscaper to fix the damage. Hick said he'd use his tractor and a roller to fix it, to get it over with. He wanted discipline for the driver, which I doubt happened.

  2. Lawsuit! Lawsuit! Now if you can find an honest lawyer.

    1. If only I had suffered an auto-collision injury while crossing the road to fetch my package from the FRONT DOOR of the steel-pipe mailbox in which I live... Then I could really get a worthwhile settlement!

  3. I would still complain about the false information and add that the PO does not like where they were put.

    1. I am pretty sure that FedEx knows the legalities of using USPS boxes for deliveries. They probably even instruct their carriers not to do it. That's why the carrier lied about it.

      Complaining to FedEx will get me all stirred up again. It's not like I'll get any benefit from it. They're not going to give me money. They'll just say that I DID receive my package, and act like I'm being unreasonable.

      I got nothing when I complained about them leaving a leather wallet packed only in an envelope on the porch in front of the door, rather than on the chair or table beside the door. The wallet that Jack ate. FedEx just said they were not responsible.

  4. All that splintery wood looks quite dangerous, someone could get a bad cut or a giant splinter! I think you need to anonymously email FedEx and tell them how wrong it is to declare a parcel laft at your door when it was actually left at the mail box.
    I had to wait at home for a delivery last Thursday, with the time frame being "between 8am and 6pm" Good thing my plans are always flexible.

    1. Oh, how I would weep if the FedEx guy got a splinter. NOT!

      Good thing your delivery actually got delivered where you were waiting!

  5. FedEx does that here, too! It is illegal! Of course, they would have to back down my driveway, or back up the driveway, since there is no place to turn around. But, not my problem. Here is what I would do: call Walmart and tell them you looked for your package that was reported to be at your front door and found nothing, then make the same call to FedEx. Probably won't result in any compensation to you, but Walmart will contact FedEx and demand to know exactly where the package was left. It will create extra work for them.

    1. I would love to create extra work for FedEx, but sitting on hold trying to talk to real people would create extra work for ME. And Walmart would be caught in the middle, even though their only crime was using FedEx for shipping.

  6. I was thinking mailbox. Pony deeds a new pair of pants every day? I would wear work pants till they stood on their own.

    1. The Pony will wear pants/shorts more than once between washings, during cool dry weather. The sloppy snow/ice/rain with salt spread on roads and sidewalks wicks up the bottom of the pants, so they need washing. When the humid summer gets hotter than the devil's armpit, the shorts get soaked with sweat.
