Monday, February 26, 2024

Travels With My Placard: The Squatter

Should there be a time limit on handicap parking spaces? I think so!

Last week, the same car was in my rightful handicap parking space at the Gas Station Chicken Store. Not every day, but at least four out of the seven. As you might presume, Val was NOT pleased with that usurpation. 

I had come in from the alley, after visiting the Backroads Casey's. So I just parked in the space by the air hose. Letting my handicap placard fly, of course.

On the second day, the culprit was walking back to her car as I parked T-Hoe. Gray hair. No obvious infirmity. Since she was old, I gave her a pass. Not all elderly-abledness is observable. Perhaps she had a heart issue, or COPD. It's not like those able-bodied 20-somethings parking there to put ice in their cooler.

Anyhoo... on the fourth day it happened, The Usurper must have noticed the look of distain on my face as I put T-Hoe in PARK. She suddenly slapped her own handicap placard onto her mirror. Well! Why didn't you say so??? She just got there first, and had a right to that space. However...

I once again slid out of T-Hoe, and limped my way past The Usurper's car and into the store. She was still parked in that spot when I came out, and when I left. I made a trip to the drive-thru mailbox, and then to the Liquor Store across the street. 

The Usurper WAS STILL PARKED IN MY RIGHTFUL SPACE when I left the Liquor Store! She must have been there 30 minutes from the time I initially went into the Gas Station Chicken Store.


Who needs to stay in one parking space for 30 minutes? It's not like they were going to deliver something to her sedan. Only one clerk on duty. Can't leave the store unattended. I think I saw scratchers in the hand of The Usurper when she got into her car. There is no need to STAY PARKED THERE while scratching! The Usurper should have pulled over by the moat, and completed her scratching there. So as not to take away the ONLY handicap parking space for those who may need it.

Do your bidness on your own time! Not in a handicap space. 


  1. We saw a woman monopolizing a handicap space the other day. She had gotten into the car after shopping. She adjusted everything in the car and on her body--hair, glasses, collar, something in her lap. It was frustrating. Finally, the tail light came on. After ten minutes, we drove away. When I came out of the store, she was still there, looking around at things in and out of the car and picking at something on the seat. I began to wonder if she were a dementia patient who was lost.

    1. Maybe she had an appointment somewhere next, and was killing time.

    2. Then, kill time in front of the appointment place.

    3. Taking up a different handicap space!

  2. I am sure she is busy socializing, or moves slowly - hence the 30 min trip! But I doubt she is then thinking of other folks who may need the spot - unfortunately, not everyone thinks about everyone else - just themselves for the most part.

    1. I think of myself, that's why I considered her to be in MY rightful parking space, heh, heh! Still, when I come out and there are cars pulling onto the parking lot, I don't sit and write on my scratchers. I stick them in my purse and do it later.

      At the grocery store, I move out of the handicap space and park in the deserted spaces far away if I want to write down the amount from my receipt, or text Hick to see if he's home to help me carry.

      As for not thinking someone else needs the spot... I have parked in front of her three times, with my placard swinging from the mirror. She noticed, or she wouldn't have hung up her own placard that last time. AND she sees me limping around her car to get to the door. It would be apparent to most people with eyesight and common sense that I could have used that parking space she was sitting in. So I figure she just doesn't care. Which would certainly fall in line with thinking only of herself.

  3. Hmm, now you've got me curious. Do you think she was waiting for someone else in the store? Why did she all of a sudden start going to the Gas Station Chicken Store? I think you should investigate this a little more and let us know. Ha! Just kidding:)

    1. Nobody spends that long in the Gas Station Chicken Store. It only has three narrow aisles. They don't sell chicken any more. People just pop in to pay for gas, or grab a soda or alcohol. That day, I didn't see anybody besides a couple men paying for gas for their vehicles parked at the pumps.

      She's probably been going there every day, and our times have just recently coincided. Maybe because she was parked a long time at some other store's handicap space!

  4. I think the store needs to ugrade the parking area and provide an extra disabled space. Same here in Australia too, parking needs to be upgraded to enable all the huge SUVs. And more disabled parking. Most parking spaces were marked out decades ago when cars were smaller.

    1. The only room for that would be the air-hose space that I was in. The rest of that side is driving lanes, and the other side of the store is on a hill. I'd rather walk farther on flat ground than keep my balance on a hill.

      At 10Box, they could fit in four more handicap spaces in front of the store, just by making the striped areas between the spaces smaller. They are big enough to park an SUV!

  5. That sense of entitlement did not begin suddenly with the current group, it's origins started long ago, there just wren't as many of them!

    1. That seems logical. The elderly entitleds are woefully outnumbered.

  6. What about the people who fill up their car with gas at very busy station - then leave car at pump to go in to use restroom and get lunch....please move car to another space when done filling up!

    1. Yes! If they're paying at the pump, there is no need to leave the car there when it has been gassed.

      I have to leave T-Hoe parked there, because I pay inside before they turn on the pump. We've had card-scanners placed on pumps around here, stealing credit/debit card info.
