Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Pony Didn't Take the Bait

I have mentioned before the running USPS joke, "Not today, Postal Inspector." Referring to the belief that postal inspectors try to tempt carriers into succumbing to thievery, with delectable enticements planted along the route, in a ploy to test integrity, and weed out bad apples. 

The Pony is having none of that. He sent me a picture on Thursday:

"Not today, Postal Inspector."

It took me a minute to notice the phone on top of the mailbox.

"Ha! Looks like a set-up!"

On our morning phone call the next day, The Pony agreed.

"I'm wasn't touching that phone! Not even to put in in the mailbox for safekeeping. I didn't want my fingerprints on it!"

I think maybe a kid waiting for the bus might have left it there. The Pony found it during the morning hours. I can't think of any other reason it would be out there.

Better safe than sorry!


  1. He could have knocked on the door of the home and asked whoever answered if they had left the phone there by accident.

    1. Could have, though it adds time to the route, and it might have set off a supervisor's inquiry about why he was stationary at that address for longer than normal. The carriers are tracked by their scanners.

  2. I'd try to phone a number on the phone? That kid is sweating about losing it.

    1. Maybe a civilian could do that, but it's not in the scope of a mail carrier's duties. Better to remain uninvolved, rather than risk an inquiry and possible disciplinary action.

  3. I would have gone to the door and asked about it. The location seems too obvious to be a trap.

    1. The rules of The Pony's job don't really allow the carriers to be good samaritans. Time is money. It's best to reserve such extra interaction for those times when a customer's safety is in question. Like mail not picked up for a couple days.

  4. The phone on the mailbox was the FIRST thing I noticed. I don't pick up stuff either for the same reason, don't want my fingerprints on it, just in case it is stolen goods.

    1. Usually The Pony finds things INSIDE the mailbox. I thought there might be another photo to follow.

      If I found a phone on the parking lot, I might take it inside the store, to keep it from being run over. That said, my phone fell out of my jacket pocket once at the Gas Station Chicken Store when Hick was driving me around in A-Cad. We rushed back in a panic, and it was till there. So maybe picking it up could prevent the owner from finding it.
