Saturday, March 12, 2022

An AsCENT From Last Week's Total

This week Val managed to surpass last week's penny find by one! SATURDAY, March 5, I was waiting at the counter of Orb K for my scratchers to be counted out, when I looked down, just in case.
Right at my feet appeared a star for this week's Saturday CENTSus.

It was a heads-up 2021 penny, so shiny on that filthy floor.

The short-lived spate of luck continued when I popped into the Liquor Store for scratchers on SUNDAY, March 6.

The minute I stepped out of T-Hoe and closed the door, I had a little friend waiting for me.

It was a heads-up 1994 penny, whose age was a mystery until I took him home and rubbed Old Abe with my new green scrubby thing.
But WAIT! When I came back out, somebody else was cooling his tail on the cold pavement!
He'd probably been there all along, observing my ample rumpus from behind while I bent over to pick up his dirty buddy.

It was a heads-up 2012 penny, all dapper and clean, the Felix Unger of this Odd Couple.

That's 3 COINS, for 3 CENTS this week towards Val's Future Pennyillionaire Fortune.


Penny          # 13, 14, 15.
Dime             0
Nickel           0
Quarter        0

Penny        124
Dime           14
Nickel           7
Quarter          6


  1. and the penny parade continues! Squee! You'll have those milkshake goblets filled in no time.

  2. The pennies are back! Good to see your name.

    1. Yes, the pennies and I have been reunited, and it feels so good!
