Wednesday, April 7, 2021

There Is Much Joy In Backroads, Fight-y Pony Has Lucked Out

When The Pony said he had a response concerning his fingerprinting, I was a bit concerned to learn that he had to go all the way to Casino Town. Hick said people can go to the county sheriff's office and get a fingerprint card, if they need to submit fingerprints for something. According to The Pony, the USPS wants to do it themselves, and use a scanning method.

I offered to ride along with The Pony, since after all, he was going to CASINO TOWN.

"We could stop by the casino after you're done."

"I wouldn't mind, but I'm leaving early to make sure I'm there on time, and I might be waiting for a while on the parking lot if I find it early."

"Oh. That's okay. I sure can't sit in a car long after a 90-minute ride! Besides, I won't have to get up early."

I mentioned it to Hick Thursday night, while The Pony was enjoying his nightly 2-hour soak in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom.

"Do you think he can find the place?"

"Yeah. We go to the casino every two weeks. The only thing different is that he goes to the next exit, according to what he told me he found on Google."

"You act like he's lifted his head to look out on those drives!"

Heh, heh. Shame on us for making light of The Pony's navigational skills.

Friday morning, I was on my way to bed as The Pony was getting ready to leave.

"Okay. So you're going to have enough time? It takes us just over 90 minutes, and you have to go a little farther."

"I know how long it takes, Mother. I looked it up."

"Well, we've done it so much, we know exactly, not just something off Google."

"I'm not going that way. I'll go the way the GPS takes me."

"WHAT? Dad tried that one time, and it kept saying, 'Turn around! Make a U-turn when it's safe. Turn around.' It tried to take him up the highway to get on the OTHER highway that we take after the 30 miles of county road."

"It will tell me how to get there, Mother."

"It might take you the way Sis and Ex-Mayor go, which adds 30 minutes from here."

"I know how I'm going. However it takes me. Here's where it shows me to start out."

"Fine. I'm not going to fight with you. It just seems odd to go a different way when Dad has figured out the fastest way to get there from here. THAT way is how he came home once. It's more of a pig trail than the road we take. It will take longer."

I went to bed. The Pony was on his own. But first I stuck my head back into the living room.

"You know you'll lose phone service on that road, right?"

"Yes, Mother. But I'm not using a phone for directions. The GPS works on satellites."

Huh. I never did understand that techy juju stuff.

The Pony made it to his fingerprinting with 30 minutes to spare. He waited on a store parking lot because the USPS lot was small. He went inside and found his contact and the office with ease, just like they'd given him instructions. His fingerprints were scanned. He called to tell me about it.

"The whole process took about ONE MINUTE. So now I'm going to stop by the casino for about an hour, then I'm going to eat at Steak N Shake. I'll text you when I start home."

Well. He texted me before he started home. With a picture. And more.
"Decent bonus going on Buffalo Chief. Ended at $183." The WIN box shows more, because of the winnings on the screen when he landed the bonus. The Pony said he had been getting other bonuses, and good payoffs, before this bonus hit, as you can see in the CREDIT part. He started with $40, betting the minimum of 80 cents, and then upped his bet to $1.60 after winning some.

 "My biggest individual win screen during the bonus."

 "I didn't get a picture of the final total on my Buffalo Chief bonus, but here's my ticket after I played out the spending money I brought on the Heidi slot. I thought I was going to get a handpay for a bit, since as that 400 bonus was running, a staff lady had stopped to watch the last half of it behind me. But it didn't go high enough.

If I was conspiracy minded, I might say she had something that turned off the big winnings once she showed up. :P "

"Nope. She was hoping for a tip if she called the handpay people on her radio for you!"

Anyhoo... The Pony had started playing at the Buffalo Chief machine, and had fed it $40. He had $16 of it left to play when he started hitting the bonuses. He lost his spending money on Heidi, but held onto all his winnings from Buffalo Chief. Played about an hour.

Sadly, the Steak N Shake was not dine-in at Casino Town, so The Pony had to go hungry for another 75 miles to get to the one in Bill-Paying Town on his way home.

Just think, everything The Pony did that day put him at Buffalo Chief at the very instant that bonus was ready to pay. If I hadn't been not-fighting with him over directions, The Pony might have come home broke.

Oh, yeah. The GPS took him the exact way Hick always drives us to Casino Town. Maybe now The Pony will believe it's the best way to go.


  1. Mrs. C always checks a map for the best route and then we follow GPS knowing to ignore it when GPS disagrees with her map research. We went to the casino the other day and I was about as lucky as I get. After several hour I only lost $20.

    1. I would do that if I used GPS. But Hick, who DOES use GPS, won't do any map research. He just knows every road in the county and surrounding counties.

      Hick's as good with routes as I am with grammar. [Not that I show it here, but if you need a stuffy business letter, I'm your Val.]

      I would love to spend several hours and only lose $20. Except that day I won my BIG JACKPOT!

  2. Does this mean it is now safe to let The Pony out on his own and you won't have to take him everywhere? congrats on the win, Pony.

    1. The Pony has been free to leave the paddock since he came back home after graduation. The only place I take him is to pick up our pizza order, since he likes to eat it in the car, while it's hot.

      He takes himself out to eat once a week, and shopping for me, and has driven to the city to visit 2nd Bestie when she was home between semesters. I really wanted to tag along to go to the CASINO! Even if it meant riding with The Pony.

      Now he might be able to escape from under my thumb for a whole workday! I will relay your congrats on his win.
