Friday, June 4, 2021

Hick the Pot Calls The Pony-Kettle a Certain Hue

Hick is not overly concerned about disposing of items that have outlived their usefulness. He has the same mindset around the house. Until it comes to The Pony.
The Pony has been working a lot. A LOT. His pay period started on Saturday, and by Thursday night he calculated that from the posted schedule, he will have put in 56 hours by the end of the week. So he's hardly here. Leaves in the morning, gets home and heads straight to his nightly 2-hour soak in the big triangle tub in the master bathroom, then off to bed. 

Sometimes The Pony grabs something to eat on the way home. Sometimes I have food here for him. He doesn't take a lunch at work. They're only allowed a half hour anyway. He grabs a snack at Casey's on his scheduled bathroom break. Sometimes that snack is a plastic tub of chocolate donut holes. Often, in fact. There were three containers here by the end of last week.

Hick takes exception to The Pony's donut holes.

"Look at that. Them donuts have been sitting there on the coffee table for at least a week. And he's got another one there by the arm of the couch."

"Don't forget the donut holes in the refrigerator! I'm going to take this one here on the table, I think, and give them to the dogs. I'm out of leftovers for their treat."

"I bet them's still good. I'll eat them. My point is, he keeps bringing in more and more, and leaving them sitting around, even though he's done with them."

Said the man who has a clear plastic EMPTY barrel that once held BBQ pork rinds, sitting on the kitchen table beside my laptop. It's been empty for at least a week. I guess he's waiting for it to hop off the table, around the counter, and into the wastebasket.

But The Pony needs to get rid of his donut holes...


  1. Or, he could hide them under a towel.

    1. We're gonna hafta get a bigger towel. No kitchen towel will hide the pork rind barrel, nor the donut hole tall container, either. Maybe a beach towel, though I hate to horn in on Poolio's accessories.

      However... I am pleased to report that THIS MORNING, the pork rind barrel was GONE from the table. I don't understand. Shaming has never been a particularly effective weapon in my arsenal against Hick.

      In more disturbing news, about half the donut holes were gone from the dogs' treat allotment. Hick left them two apiece.

  2. My entire working life I only had a half hour for lunch, I don't even know anyone who has longer. Next time Hick mentions all the containers perhaps you could raise your eyebrows and point at his empty bucket? Try it and let us know if he even notices. I love donuts holes, because they're holes (empty spaces) they have no calories.

    1. When I worked at the insurance salvage store, I could take 30 minutes or an hour. We had to punch the time clock leaving and returning, so it's not like I could scam any extra pay while taking a leisurely lunch.

      My last 18 years of teaching, I had 22 minutes for lunch, and it started at 10:53 a.m.

      Raised eyebrows do not work on Hick. LOUD CHASTISING barely works, intermittently.

      No calories in donut holes? I would have fought the dogs for them if I knew that!
