Monday, June 8, 2020

What Kind of Bizarro World is This?

Kinda boring around here. Not much happening. Nothing in the local news, either. Except a headline that caught my eye at 12:53 a.m. on... um... today. "Help Dad Step Up His Game with Father's Day Gaming Gifts." What in the NOT-HEAVEN? I must admit, I didn't read the article. Because I am out of my free articles for the month. Silly me. I wasted them reading about the VIRUS.

Anyhoo... what is this nonsense about giving Dad gaming gifts? How does a dad have time for gaming gifts? The way I remember childhood, a dad frittered his time away with work from 8:00 - 5:00. Mowing the lawn. Fixing assorted plumbing problems. Laying a green bean or two on the side of his supper plate, if that little stringy part hadn't been pulled off during the bean-snapping process. Playing catch in the back yard. Watching some TV after dark. Then taking the family camping and fishing, or to a baseball game, or on a ride to get ice cream on the weekends.

What's this about GAMING? That's for KIDS! A dad is responsible. Shouldn't be playing GAMES. But telling his kids to get off the games and get outside for some fresh air.

A child should be enough entertainment for a dad.


  1. Absolutely. Maybe the gaming world that having Dad playing games also, it would relieve him of the burden of being a real Dad?

    Valedictorian and a teacher? That's me!! But I was never called Susan the Victorian. Dang.

    1. Heh, heh! I claimed the name first!

      That's how I see it. Gaming gives the dad a way to stay a kid, and not be responsible.

  2. Dads are different these days. They get home from work to an apartment or house with no yard because the neighbours are built within arm's reach, the barbecue grill may not even exist or is on a miniscule back patio and perhaps the children don't play sports and younger dads who grew up gaming probably still enjoy doing that with their children. Which means at least they are interacting with the kids, not ignoring them as dads did in my day, when they got home form work, made a coffee and read the newspaper while waiting for the TV news to come on while the kids were shooed outside to play and let dad rest after his hard day at work.

    1. I guess I'm from the generation between the one where dads came home to have a couple drinks while the kids were seen and not heard... and the generation where dads (and moms) want to be best friends with the kids. Not ALL of them. But a good portion, from my experience working with kids and parents over 28 years.

  3. My father came home from work and ate and then went outside to mow, tinker with the car, make something in his workshop and then went to bed. He would have laughed at gaming if it had been a thing back then.

    1. Mine too! The only thing he did for fun was quail-hunting, and he brought them home to eat.
