Monday, February 24, 2020

What We Have Here Is a Failure to Garmin Navigate

We spent the weekend in Oklahoma with The Pony, celebrating our February birthdays. Hick wasn't the birthday boy, but he made sure we did something HE found entertaining. We went Goodwilling on Saturday afternoon. By that, I mean that Hick went traipsing through several Goodwills, and The Pony and I sat in A-Cad and talked about him.

Here's the thing: Hick didn't remember where all the Goodwills are. He asked The Pony, who only had a vague idea, since he, himself, is not much of a Goodwiller. Hick decided to consult the Garmin. I was not happy that he did this while in traffic. I encouraged him to pull over and type in his quest. At least Hick consented to searching only while stopped at traffic lights. I told him when it turned green.

The Pony was a backseat navigator.

"Um. You realize Goodwill is ONE WORD, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah," said Hick, feverishly re-typing.

"No. Nope. It's not GODwill, either. And you put two Ds in Goddwill."

"I didn't mean to do that."

"Uh. No. It's not GoodWELL..."

"I know. THERE. I got it."

Yes. Finally, Hick had a computer voice to tell him where to go.


  1. THe nav system in my car won't let you punch information while you are driving. Even if you shake the bush while doing it.

    1. Hick is using the Garmin that Genius gave us when he did his first internship at Garmin, and used his hefty discount. It sticks on the windshield with a suction cup, and sometimes falls off! It doesn't care about our safety!

  2. Men hate to have to obey wife AND electric voice. Rough life.

  3. In our town it is illegal to use any handheld device while driving and the fines are well over $100. Better tell Hick to stay in Missourah.

    1. I'm pretty sure there's a widespread conspiracy to protect you and your townspeople from yourselves, so you can take over the world when we are done killing ourselves and each other off with our stupidity. Heh, heh! As if a FINE would be a deterrent to the likes of US!

  4. If I'd been there I would have joined Hick in the stores and you two could have talked about me as well. I don't mind people talking about me. I figure if they're doing that, they're leaving someone else alone.

    1. Later in the week, I'll show you Hick's newest treasures. I fear that we could not spare the time to talk about YOU, because then we'd be leaving HICK alone!

  5. Hick and I could be Goodwill buds. I frequent them, too. The big guy said he'd sit in the car and wait for me, but he came in and I caught him perusing the racks. He bought two new shirts for $4. I think he's hooked. I bought two books for a buck and a half. Can't go wrong there.

    1. Hick buys his jeans at Goodwill. He loves a bargain!

  6. A man after my own heart!! I love thrift stores of all kinds. The only one in my family who will accompany me is my son. We take great pride in a good bargain! The Garmin exchange sounded just like HeWho and our grandson. My kids would have just snatched it from him and done it themselves, if they even let him drive.

    1. Genius used to accompany Hick sometimes, looking for camera lenses and stuff he could sell online. If Genius could have known of Hick's Garmin faux pas, his eyes would have been rolling all the way from Pittsburgh.
