Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Escalation of Tresspassation

New developments in the case of Hick's cabin intruders!

Hick was at the auction Monday night, minding his own beeswax, when he got a text from a guy up the road. Don't tell anybody this, but it's the guy some long-term landowners out here call The Nudist. That's because very few people lived out here 25 years ago, when we bought the land, and this guy and his wife used to mow their yard au naturale. Not that there's anything wrong with that... Well. There would be NOW, because people live here. But they don't do it any more.

Anyhoo...T-N sent a picture by his front porch camera, on Sunday evening at 4:50. "Do you know who this is? I don't mind people hunting on my property if they ask for permission, but I don't want strangers up here."

It was a picture of two boys carrying guns. Standing on the patio of T-N. I don't know about hunters in your area, but around here, they typically don't hunt from a patio. According to Hick, they were carrying either BB guns, or a BB gun and an AR-15. Which is like the difference between sleeping on a pea under a stack of mattresses, or laying down on a medieval mace. You'd think Hick would be able to tell the difference, as well-schooled in weaponry as he is. Maybe it was not a good picture. But imagine if somebody else encountered these boys, and could not tell the difference.

Hick sent back, "Yeah. I know exactly who they are. You need to take that picture and talk to the parents. They already gave those boys a lecture about staying off people's property."

THEN, on Tuesday morning, Hick talked to another of his cronies, who lives two houses up the road from us. He said he'd seen two boys with guns walking around his shed in his back yard. When he went out to question them, they left! At least he verified that they were carrying BB guns.

Okay. I believe in giving people (especially kids) a second chance for most things. But this, to me, is the last straw. Second AND third strike! The gloves are off. No more coddling. Throw the book at them! Who do they think they are, walking within 10 feet of somebody's front door, carrying guns? Skulking around backyard sheds? Especially after being told to stay on their own (rental) property.

I told Hick that he and T-N and Crony should call the sheriff's office, and make a report with a deputy about the trespassing. Show them the picture. Maybe a visit from the men in uniform might make an impression on these young 'uns. At the very least, a report will be on file, and the kids (and parents) will know that the next time something (more valuable than a bottle of turquoise) goes missing, or is damaged, theirs will be the first door knocked on.

Those kids better hope they never set foot on Crazy Stick-Road Man's property...


  1. Are boys born without any common sense??

    1. That's what I asked my son Genius, after he revealed that he'd tried the "cinnamon challenge" when he was home alone one day. And darn near choked to death, according to him.

  2. Replies
    1. The property they rent sits on 10 acres. I feel that 10 acres is enough space for them to "adventure" with their BB guns. No need to snoop around other people's cabins, porches, and sheds. It's not like they live in an apartment, with only a small balcony to play on.

  3. I'd give the parents one more chance to straighten them out, maybe also warn them of potential crazy neighbors. Not sure what the police could do if they didn't catch tem in the act of serious trespassing.

    1. The point is not for the police to DO anything. I don't think the kids should be locked up and the key tossed. I know that some kids this age think they don't have to answer to a substitute, who is not a REAL teacher. Nor to a neighbor, who is not their REAL parent. The dad already told that turquoise kid that he was surprised Hick didn't call the police. A visit from them could make a point, a preventative measure.

      City police don't come out here. It's the county deputies. Hick and other neighbors have called to ask about other situations, and they always suggest filing a report, so there's a paper trail for possible future problems. That's how Backcreek Neighbor Bev got her restraining order against Crazy Stick-Road Dude, after documenting multiple instances like verbal threats, and the swastika he put up on their adjoining property line.

  4. DEFINITELY make a report at the Sheriff's office, with a photocopy of the phot attached. These parents need to know their kids are headed down the wrong highway, headed to not-heaven instead of law-abiding-citizenship.

    1. The Nudist will have to do that, since it was his picture, from his property. Hick went to check on his cabin today. Somebody had been in it again. One of his vintage metal lunch boxes was in the middle of the floor, with a dent, like somebody had tried to stomp it. He was missing a little brass ship. Only one left, where there had been two. He went on down to his original cabin, the A-Frame, and found the door standing wide open.

      Hick did some (free) work for his buddy, Buddy, on a different rental house, and told him about his little renters. Buddy said he'd have a talk with the dad.

      It seems to me that if people keep letting them off the hook, "Oh, they're just kids," they'll keep on seeing what they can get away with.

    2. Apparently, a stern talking-to by the parents has not worked for these kids. I think Hick should walk into their bedroom, knock some stuff on the floor, trample it, and pocket a few gewgaws. However...I'm pretty sure THAT would be a crime.

    3. Stealing that little brass ship is a crime, Hick needs to file a report on that one and get padlocks on those doors.

    4. He's getting brackets to put on padlocks. I think the ship had more sentimental value to Hick than monetary value. If he could have made a dollar profit, he would have taken it to his Storage Unit Store!

    5. The value doesn't matter, what matters is that they took something that did not belong to them. I would file a report. The hope is that maybe a deputy could scare them and set them on a better path. Too bad Hick doesn't install an electric fence around Shanty Town. That would be fun!

    6. Yeah, that's my idea, that a deputy will help them see the seriousness of their actions. An electric fence would probably be shocking to Hick himself!

  5. I bet those same boys can't hit a toilet standing right over the top of it. So I would not worry too much.

    1. Heh, heh! I'm not worried about them shooting people, but maybe pets, which are bigger targets than the million squirrels, and scarcer rabbits.

    2. shoot my pet and things will get really nasty!!

    3. If only they could talk! A BB gun would most likely not leave marks.

  6. Petty crimes/thefts lead to bigger ones. Tame those tomcats now. or better yet, put them to work pulling weeds or doing some other community service.

    1. If they won't listen to a parent telling them to STAY OFF OTHER PEOPLE'S PROPERTY, they sure aren't going to listen to Hick telling them to pull weeds! He's not getting involved in their consequences. Not after the second (or more that they didn't get caught) trespass.
