Saturday, August 31, 2024

Thevictorian Doesn't Fall Far from the Val

During my daily phone chat with The Pony on Friday at 6:00 a.m., he said he was sending me a picture.

"It's a sidewalk they just put in, and it's already crumbling. So much for a new sidewalk."

"Should I look at it now? You know I'm not good with technology. I might lose you while I'm trying to open up the text with the picture."

"I don't care if you look now or later. But when I took it, I put my foot up on the sidewalk, showing you what I have to deal with on a daily basis. It turned out like I'm a dainty Victorian lady, daring to show my ankle."

I opened the picture, and started laughing out loud. Even though I had been tipped off.

Maybe you had to be there, but I found this image, along with The Pony's Victorian proclamation, to be hilarious. After my outburst, we could finish the conversation. We couldn't talk long, since The Pony was drawing a bath. 

Can't go out in public with a dirty dainty ankle!


  1. He does look rather like a dainty Victorian.
    You say drawing a bath? My kids and husband makes fun of me for saying that. I grew up in the mountains of Tennessee, I'm just glad to find someone else that says that.

    1. Heh, heh! I won't make fun of you for saying "drawing a bath," but I chose that phrase to go along with The Pony being a "dainty Victorian lady." The Pony actually said he was "running" a bath, which is what most people say around here. I've heard it on TV shows and movies, though. Like... from the 1950s or older.

  2. Replies
    1. I see that you are easily amused, as am I.

  3. Such a dainty ankle :) I hope the sidewalk lasts. I haven't had a bath in just over 13 years. There's no tub here, just a shower.

    1. You have still bathed more recently than I have! I never liked a bath. Only took one if I lived in an apartment without a shower. Not even the big triangle tub in the master bathroom could lure me in.

      For now, the sidewalk looks okay. Though not built to last.

  4. That is what he gets for pointing his toe, the demur Victorian lady effect! Just kidding.
    I say running a bath, but I know plenty of people who say they are drawing a bath. Not only does it look like the sidewalk is crumbling, but it looks as though ground is eroding underneath. I wonder who dug the base under there. Shoddy work.

    1. Heh, heh! I guess The Pony was pointing his toe like, "look at this."

      I've never heard an actual person say "drawing a bath." Maybe it's a southern thing.

      I agree about the shoddy workmanship. Like I told The Pony that morning, it looks like they didn't pack in the material right when setting up their forms for pouring the concrete.
