Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Surely, Though a Bit Slowly

Hick is planning to sign paperwork and hand over keys to the realtor this week for the Double Hovel flip house(s). He has almost everything done that she suggested. Well. As much as he's told me. Seems he left out a couple things. White paint has been applied to the front and side of the Beauty Shop efficiency cottage. 

Still no rock garden or anything appealing under the front window. That appears to be Hick's "burn pile" in the background, for twigs and small limbs and wood scraps. 

Hick's buddy has still not delivered the load of gravel that will go in the area behind the burn pile, along that fence. Hick at first told me it had been done. Maybe he meant ordering it! I guess off-road parking will be a selling point, although many people around here just park on the street.

Tuesday, Hick was killing the weeds that are growing in the fence around the main house. He also sent me a picture of a surprise project:

"Painted back of shed too"

Heh, heh! Hope you can see it! It's like when Hick took The Pony on his college tour at the University of Oklahoma, and pictures were of a tiny Pony amidst a vast panoramic view. Oh, look! There's Old Buddy, who is back, over-the-weather rather than under it. He helped Hick paint the side of the Beauty Shop on Monday. In case you can't see the shed, I'll zoom in:

It's an eyesore that I might have torn down, but as the realtor told Hick, people like a place to put their stuff. Also, in the full picture, you can see that Hick has taken his tractor to town, to use for spreading that gravel when it arrives. He left the trailer over in The Pony's back yard.

Now Hick needs to find some cleaner for scrubbing the bathtub some more in the main house, as the realtor instructed! He said CLR. I asked if it was rust or lime scale, and he said no, it looked like soap scum buildup. Which I said needed something foamy, with the scrubbing bubbles. Maybe Soft Scrub. I told him to read the bottles and see what they're good for. Hope he doesn't mix anything that shouldn't be mixed! My old principal did that when he moved, and had chemical burns on his forearms! 

Gotta keep Hick working!


  1. Best cleaner I ever used on my fiberglass tub was a mixture I found on Pinterest. I don't remember the amouts of each , but it was vinegar, Dawn liquid (original) and water. I do remeber that I had to heat the vinegar before mixing it all together and pouring it into a spray bottle. It stinks, but all you do is spray the area down and leave it for a few hours, then rinse. Worked like a charm and the smell disappeared down the drain. Who knows, maybe it also cleaned the drain. I have used it on an enamel tub and tile, as well and it cleans up nicely with little effort. Everything looks good to me. I, pesonally would like a blank slate to work a garden into.

    1. That sounds like a recipe for a Hick disaster, but I will mention it to him if whatever he has gotten doesn't work. It's probably the vinegar that dissolves the scum, and the Dawn keeps it stuck on the area so it doesn't run off.

      At the rate this is going, the garden area will likely be blank! Every time I ask, Hick says he has a plan for it, yet it stays the same.

  2. Sounds like Hick lives with another SWMBO!

  3. Use Barkeeper's Friend. If he cannot find that, use Zud. I used BF on badly stained clawfoot tub.

    1. I think I have some of that Barkeeper's Friend. I've used it on my kitchen sink, and maybe on a glass baking dish when it gets those brown areas that don't want to wash off.

      Hick said he got a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, and that worked on the tub.

  4. Find petunias on sale and buy four. Plant them. They will last all winter.

    1. I'll suggest it, but I don't know that Hick would want the responsibility of driver by to water them. It's so dry here right now that the grass is turning brown in the front yard/field.

  5. I saw the shed quite clearly. I think that siding needs another coat of white paint. I hope the bathtub comes clean with no loss of fingers or skin.

    1. I was just commenting on Hick's photography style. Anyone who literally could not see the shed would not be able to read the words about it.

      The look of the siding up top might be from shadows. Otherwise, it would need the power washer, not paint. The "cedar siding" might also have shadows making it look like it needs another coat. Hick and Old Buddy painted it. Hick even went to buy more paint. That's why he had some left for the shed. The side got two coats, same as the front of the house.

      Hick returned with all body parts in the shape they were when he left, and said the tub is done now, thanks to Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
