Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hick Is Suppressing the Vote

Let the record show that Hick is only suppressing MY vote. Not quite as serious as his penchant for trying to kill me, but still... kind of annoying.

You may recall that back in June, Hick volunteered to work at a local voting precinct. Which is not where we vote. So he'll be gone all day Tuesday. And not driving us out to the little church where we vote.

Sure, I could hop in T-Hoe and drive farther out from town, fight for a parking space in the little church parking lot, and hobble down the carpeted basement steps (with a handrail on only one side), and vote by myself while Hick is away all day. That's not gonna happen. AND, veering from my plan of Hick driving us down to Bill-Paying Town to vote a few days early at the county voter commission site, HE VOTED ON FRIDAY while over there at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2), and didn't tell me until Monday night.

Well! Ain't THAT a fine kettle of fish, stinking from the head, like guests after three days!

I suppose the world is already on skids, teetering on the brink of an express-elevator ride to Not-Heaven in a handbasket. So my lack of a vote in the state primary Tuesday won't finger me as singlehandedly triggering the Apopadopalyspe (as Hick calls it).

Anyhoo... Sunday evening, Hick told me he got a text from the lady running this voting precinct, sent to the other three women and two men who will be working. She said one lady is bringing pulled pork, and that it's going to be a pot luck for their meals all day. Hick knew better than to ask me to make something for him to take. One day notice, to shop and cook, so Hick could take a dish at 4:45 a.m. Tuesday, is something even Hick knew I would not cotton-to.

"I'm just gonna pick up some Hawaiian Rolls, and some cookies to take."

"I guess that's okay. You're a man. They won't expect you to bring anything good. When we had our holiday pot lucks at school, one of the guys always brought a loaf of bread. From the day-old bread store. And he made sure to tell us several times during the half hour meal, 'I brought the bread.' Still, it was better than the gal who brought a bag of frozen corn, tossed it in the freezer, and nobody cooked it."

"I don't know how long I'll have to be there."

"I'm sure it will be the whole time. When did she say to be there?"

"I said I'd be there by 5:30, and she said I better make it 5:15. And they don't close until 7:00. But I thought maybe we'd work in shifts."

"I doubt that. Probably, some of you can take breaks, to eat and stuff, and switch off. But I doubt you get to leave until it closes and everything is secured. Maybe you should take more than rolls and cookies. Like some kind of cheese and crackers. I don't know how long that pulled pork will last."

So, Hick went to Walmart, and bought Hawaiian Rolls, two packs of cookies, and a little meat and cheese tray that came with packaged crackers. I think he might survive the day.


  1. Suppressing your vote! Must be a Republican.

    1. Heh, heh! Hick has not asked to see my ID. Nor does he assume that I'm too stupid to know how to get one. So that makes him non-partisan!

      Hick was listed on the "Certificate of Appointment of Judge of Election" as NPP. Which he said means No Political Party. "That meant I could work with both groups. I could hand out both the Republican and Democrat ballots."

  2. The BAD worked as something or other on a precinct a few years ago. Her day went from 7 in the morning until about 9 at night. Don't they have early or mail voting where you are? We always do that but put our ballots in a secure drive by ballot box. Easy-peasy.

    1. Hick said he worked 14 hours, and is getting paid $15 per hour. And that he'd do it again!

      We can vote early at the county commission site, but I didn't want to drive over and park and walk in. Hick usually drops me off at the door, but this time he voted on Friday, without telling me. Mail voting is complicated here, needing a written request, stating the reason, to get a ballot mailed to us.

  3. He'll definitely survive. Probably some of the women will offer him snacks since he is a magnet for that kind of stuff.
    It's a good thing you don't live here where voting is compulsory.

    1. Yes, Hick is still kickin'. Dang! You mean I could get arrested for not voting? What if I was really stupid, and did not know anything about the offices or the candidates, and just marked a pattern on my ballot?

    2. What you mark on your ballot doesn't matter as long as you have stood in line and had your name checked off the list so they know you made the effort. People who don't even go usually get fined unless they've had a valid reason, like sudden death or having to be out of town without knowing before hand that would happen. Or if you went into labour on voting morning so you went to the hospital instead. There's no arresting.

    3. Good to know. Maybe if you HAVE to vote, you at least pay attention, since you'll have to stand in line anyway.

      That would never happen in the U.S. In fact, some dead people vote anyway! And in some states' precincts, OVER 100 percent of the registered voters vote! It's certainly amazing how that happens...

  4. He did well. No one expects the man to bring or do anything. You stayed out of it. Good Girl.

    1. We set such low expectations for them, it is difficult NOT to succeed. I have a suspicion that men have spent generations playing the bumbling fool ON PURPOSE, just so we won't expect much.
