Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Universe Adds Injury to Injury

You might want to make a note-to-self: "Do not go anywhere near The Pony on his mail route!" Appearing in The Pony's vicinity is something you do at your own risk. Val will not be held responsible! You have been warned!

Having rested his recently-sprained ankle on a day off, The Pony hit the trail again Monday to deliver the mail. By 11: 31, I had a text.

"Arghhh stung by a wasp! Right on the calf."

"Ouch! It will swell up."

"First stuff delivered, and right after getting back in the truck. Just outlining to check if it swells or gets inflamed much, in case it's enough to be worrying. Or if I start to feel sick or something. Since allergies don't always show up the first time, and it's just the third time I've been stung. Better safe than sorry, with what you've said about Grandpa."

"Yes. He had to carry an EpiPen. But he was the only one of us. I'm sure you'll be okay. Dad has been stung a million times, by yellowjackets and wasps. I got stung between the toes by a bee in clover."

"Yeah. Just doesn't hurt to be cautious. Plus it stings because that part flexes as I walk. Just appreciating the break to text and complain!"

"It will definitely hurt."

"Insult to injury, since it's on the sprained ankle leg!"

"You are definitely overdue for a change of luck!"


  1. Oh no! I hope it settles and doesn't swell. His socks are gorgeous.

    1. The Pony did not mention the sting the next day, only that the ankle was still sore. So I suspect the sting is healing. The Pony has these socks in a variety of colors. Something about them keep his feet from getting too sweaty, or getting blisters.

  2. I think I would rather sprain both legs than have a wasp sting. Maybe he will want a desk job soon. lol. I hope this string of injuries ends for him.

    1. The Pony is quite skittish around wasps. In fact, it took him a while to come out when I delivered him some leftovers and groceries on Sunday, because some wasps were buzzing around his back porch.

      I don't know if The Pony would like a desk job. He's really not a people person, and mail delivery limits interaction.

  3. I never knew before how dangerous this job is. Might be a reality TV show, like those crabbing boats,
    "The Dangerous Delivery."

    1. The Pony could have provided them with five seasons of content since March! I think that's enough for syndication deal!
