Monday, August 12, 2024

Hick Puts Val's Foot in His Mouth

After my shower on Friday, I walked over to the sink area to look in the mirror and comb my lovely lady-mullet. OUCH! I stepped on something painful, with my right heel. To be fair, my right heel has been having problems for a few weeks, feeling like I stepped on something that ripped it open. I can't see the bottom of my heel, but I can feel it. Feels like there's a triangle-shaped flap of skin.

Anyhoo, I've been getting along on my right heel, until this calamity. What in the Not-Heaven? It didn't feel like I stepped on something sharp. Like a random sliver of metal tracked in from Hick's mechanical escapades. Nor did it feel like a toenail. Hick gets a pedicure every month or so. Doesn't leave clippings here at home.

I stepped back, and looked down. Didn't see anything on the ceramic tile. Yet my heel still smarted. Hmm. Another mystery waiting to be solved. I hobbled over to the toilet/shower area after combing my lovely lady-mullet. It's easier to put on my socks while sitting on the throne. 

As I inched a sock onto the front of my right foot, before putting lotion on my painful heel area, I spied something on the rug. 


Not the famous little blue pill from late-night TV commercials. But a little blue pill that looked exactly like my 10mg lisinopril blood pressure pill. Only blue, instead of orange like mine. Huh. I supposed Hick might need this pill. So when I arose from the throne after socking, I took it to the sink area, and laid it on the cap of one of Hick's medicine bottles.

When Hick got home after I had returned from town, I told him about the pill.

"I guess it was in the cracks between the tiles, and I stepped on it. Never did see it, until I was putting on my sock. I guess it was stuck up in the injured part of my heel, and I walked it across the bathroom tile and three rugs, until it came loose. I put in on one of your medicine bottles."

"Huh. I knew I dropped one last night, but I couldn't find it. It's a cholesterol pill."

"Are you going to take it?"

"Probably not."

Well. The next day, I asked Hick if he took that pill, and he said YES! Ptooey! How in the Not-Heaven can someone (even Hick) take a pill that has been stuck to somebody's foot, and walked across the bathroom floor???

I know that not everybody hates feet to the same degree as Val. But this is nauseating. 


  1. I probably would not have taken it. I think about shoes from outdoors that have been on the carpet or floor. Especially walking it across the room to where you could find it would really cause me to just sacrifice that pill and take it to pharmacy for the place where you can take out of date meds. If I drop something on the carpet right in front of my chair, I will take it. If I knew it had been walked all over the place, I would not.

    1. I can't imagine Hick taking ONE PILL to the pharmacy. At first he told me he "probably wouldn't" take that pill. But then later said he did. I have no idea what changed his mind. It's one he could probably skip for a day without consequence, being a cholesterol pill.

  2. As shown from Hick's adventures at various lunch venues, he'll eat almost anything.

    1. Almost. Not TUNA SALAD! It's like kryptonite for Hick. He'll eat sardines, and a frozen dinner Linguine with Clam Sauce that made him sick for three days. But not tuna salad that I've made for myself.

      Heh, heh. Last night, I set the (sealed) container on the top shelf of FRIG II, right beside Hick's Diet Mountain Dews. And told him, "Don't eat my tuna salad!" He was not as amused as I.

  3. It is nauseating, buy WHY did you put it in one of his medicine bottles instead of in the rubbish bin?

    1. I DIDN'T. I put the pill in the white lid on top of one of Hick's medicine bottles. So he could see what kind it was, in case he didn't know he dropped one, and needed to take it that evening.

      What if it had been an important pill, like for his blood pressure? If I threw it away, then tried to describe it (you know how he listens!), I might have been perceived as TRYING TO KILL HIM!

  4. Aren't the pills different colours? So you know which is for what? My blood pressure pills are white and the cholesterol ones are pink.

    1. Yes. Depends on the manufacturer, and the dosage. My lisinopril is orange, but Hick's is not, due to being a higher strength.

      Sometimes I get a notice with my own prescriptions, that while one might look different, it is the same drug and dosage as before. For example, my thyroid pill is currently round and blue, but it has previously been elongated, or orange, or white.

      Hick takes over 10 prescriptions. I am not going to open every bottle and try to figure out which drug this is, every time I find one on the floor. It could be for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, gout, glaucoma, etc.
