Monday, August 5, 2024

Here We Go Again With Hick's Buddy System

Everybody is an expert, you know, when it comes to giving advice on what is best for presenting the Beauty Shop half of the Double Hovel flip house(s) for sale. Everybody except VAL!

"My buddy says that we should leave the front and side like that, so the realtor can ask the buyer what color they want it painted."

"That's the stupidest thing I ever heard! It will discourage more people from looking at it. THEN you will be doing the painting for free for a prospective buyer, after they've made an offer."

"No. They will like that they can get it the color they want."

"But all the other people who drive by to look, or see it in the pictures from the realtor, will think it looks like an unfinished flip, with plywood on the outside to patch up something wrong."

"It's NOT PLYWOOD! It's cedar siding! They sell it everywhere! Lowe's, Menards. Everywhere!"

"The average person driving by will only see it and think plywood. Only flippers like you, who want to save a buck, will know that it's "cedar siding." There's a house on the road over by Walmart with that "siding." I've told you from the first time I saw it that it looked like crap! CHEAP! And they even have the whole house painted white. But since I saw it before painting, I know what it is. And I can see the pattern. It does not fit in with all the other houses in that subdivision. It looks cheap."

"Well, it's siding. Not plywood. Everybody else knows that but you."

"You are going to cost us money by insisting on this "cedar siding." It does not look good. It will scare away prospective buyers."

"That's why I'm going to ask the realtor about it this week."

Yeah. We'll see. Last I heard, Hick was going to contact the realtor on Friday. He's got a few projects that need completion before getting pictures of the Beauty Shop efficiency cottage out for prospective buyers to see.


  1. If he's lucky enough to get interest, there are people who will buy as is, but it may affect the end price. We sold our townhome, while the "work" was still being done. She knew she was getting new carpet throughout. New flooring in the kitchen. And fresh paint throughout. And new appliances. She did not have any choice in these items. Our realtor said it was the first time she sold something, not finished, based on what was agreed to. She said the only time she has sold something this way is if it was new construction. Of course, it didn't hurt that the new owner was desperate to buy in the area and townhomes were more affordable, at the time, than other housing. We also were required to sell as was purchased, meaning same appliances as when we bought, which also included washer and dryer, which had been replaced a few years prior to us selling. We were lucky because we had a hungry buyer. The housing market around here had mellowed out a bit. It is still extremely difficult to find anything around $200,000. Because of high costs for replacement, initial prices still run high. It's not the sellers' market that it was though. I have a feeling Hick is going to get his way with this. The realtor ad could even read, buyer has option of paint color for the recently added cedar siding. What happens if they want it stained? Or every other stipe painted a different color. Just kidding on that last thing - good luck - Ranee (MN)

    1. I agree that home prices and construction costs have gone way up! There's no way we can find anything for what we paid for The Pony's house three years ago. His was completely finished, and total cost at move-in was only a couple thousand over what we paid for the Double Hovel flip house(s).

      We are pretty sure there will be a lot of interest, though that doesn't translate into actual buyers. There are no properties like this available in the area. We have been looking for over a year for another possible "project." The closest thing listed is a laundromat with six apartments above it. Two are rented, and the other four are completely gutted, and need finishing. Everything else consists of single dwellings. Nothing where an owner could have two rentals, or live in one and use the other to help make the payment.

      That said, an interested buyer might just excuse Hick's "cedar siding," and jump at the chance to slap a little paint on it after purchase.

  2. Okay, here's my completely unasked for suggestion. The metal roof is black? So paint the walls white, shutters black, and the handle rail black. I think the door is already red. Plant some yellow mums and it will be an adorable cottage.

    1. Hick has already said that he plans to paint the window trim black. He put black shutters on the other half of the Double Hovel, which can be seen in the background of one of the pictures of the Beauty Shop. He is not a plant person, so I doubt he'd put in mums of any color. I'm just hoping for a rock garden. I'll suggest the black handrail to him.

  3. Funny how people give unsolicited advice. You do what you want.

    1. Heh, heh! I don't mind the advice. If I like it, I will pass the idea on to Hick. If I don't, he will never know!

      I must say that I feel betrayed by The Pony on his suggestion of a dark stain on those two walls!

  4. Angie's idea sounds nice. I still say paint that siding white and if a buyer wants a different colour let THEM paint it after purchase. Leaving it as plain siding is going to lower the prices offered since prospective buyers will (might) be mentally calculating the added cost of paint which they will have to pay for.

    1. I am all for painting those two walls white. A house with four matching walls is the norm. Hick and The Pony and "other freaks" who think accent walls are a welcome trend can just resolve themselves to changing those two walls once the property is sold!

      I think the main drawback of the two "cedar siding" walls is that they look like it's a plywood patch job!

  5. I will add here that our first Adelaide home had blue walls in the family room and a yellow/orange shade (sunny) in the living room, the boys room was blue, "no-one's" room was blue with a rainbow going diagnally up one wall, across the ceiling and down the opposite wall, oldest girls room was pink with pale frey trin ad a feature wall wiht a giant grey rock and a pink flamingo standing on that rock, all painted by herself. (I wish I had photos). Anyway, dozens of people came through and eventually the agent suggested we paint the family room white because maybe the sky blue was scaring away buyers. So T and K painted it white and the house sold in a couple of weeks to a buyer who had seen it and loved it and made an offer while the walls were blue.

    1. You never know what a prospective buyer is going to like. I figure you can't go wrong with neutral colors and standard details. They should appeal to more people than something unique.
