Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Hick Recants

Sunday evening, I casually asked Hick if he would be painting the two sides of the Beauty Shop on Monday. 

"I'm going to finish up inside, and take all my tools out."

"I thought you were finished inside, when you talked to the realtor. You said she's coming Tuesday. So you only have Monday to get it painted before the pictures for the listing. It will look terrible if it's not painted for the listing."

"She's coming Tuesday. I haven't signed no contract with her. I'll have to see what she says it will cost. I won't go over 6.7 percent."

"I'd think you would have discussed that with her before her coming for the walk-through and pictures."

"She was busy that day I was there."

"I can't imagine she'll get pictures of it with the two walls a different color."

"She ain't takin' no pictures on Tuesday. She's just coming to look."

"You said she had to wait to get a photographer."

"I don't know when a photographer will come. I never told you it would be Tuesday."

"You pretty much did. But I guess you'll have more time to paint the walls white."

"I'm still not sure..."

"You said the realtor said they should all be the same color!"

"No I didn't!"

"You said you showed her pictures, and she said they should all match."

"No. She looked at the pictures, and said it was cute."

"If she was so busy, how did she have time to look at your pictures, and comment on it being cute?"

"She just did. She looked up the tax information, and saw a picture of what the Beauty Shop used to look like when it was a beauty shop."

"Huh. That seems like a lot, for someone who was too busy for you to ask about the fee..."

I don't know how Hick always manages to change his story. I asked him very specific questions before revealing yesterday's news. Now he denies his answers. Believe me, I have no desire to type up a whole blog post with incorrect information. That's why I have been waiting to share info on the completion of this Double Hovel project.

It would be one thing if I had a history of putting out fictional tales. I am not a fiction writer! However, Hick has a history of changing details in almost every story he tells. He can't make himself clear, and doesn't put into words what he is thinking, perhaps. Add to that the fact that he can't hear well, and might ASSUME I'm asking something else, but give an incorrect answer rather than ask me to repeat the question. Plus... Hick must always be right.

I told Hick that in the future, I want his information in written form, whether it be text or paper. THEN we'll see how much deniability he has.

Meanwhile, I must write up a list of questions for Hick to answer after the Tuesday appointment with the realtor. If, indeed, there really is a Tuesday appointment with the realtor.


  1. HIck is one weaselly dude. Slippery, even. How long you all have been married?

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. He's THAT slippery. That good at changing his tune, and then pointing the finger at anyone who questions him.

  3. Are you sure he is not related to Tommy. We go round and round over what he has said. And, he cannot hear well either.

    1. Anything is possible! Hick also shares many traits with Kathy's husband HeWho. They could all be brothers from other mothers.

  4. I hate to put this thought in your head but his answers do resemble those of a certain orange coloured politician, who also can't answer direct questions and must always be right.

    1. Nobody puts Val in a corner, and nobody puts thoughts in Val's head, heh, heh! I am an adult who can think for myself. I don't deal with politics on my blogs (or comment about them on others) because it divides people.
