Saturday, August 17, 2024

Travels With My Placard: The Odor of Sulfur Emanates from Val's Countenance

Welp! Val has egg on her face today, my friends! Rotten egg! Not sure when the stench will subside. It all started on Thursday, around 4:00, when I made my last stop on errand day, at the Gas Station Chicken Store for scratchers.

Since I was coming in the back alley way, having been over in Sis-Town, I turned to pull down past the FREE AIR hose parking space into my rightful handicap space. 

IT WAS TAKEN! TAKEN! More taken than the movie theater seats Elaine tried to save (YouTube 1:42) for Jerry, George, and Kramer.

With temps in the muggy mid-90s, I left T-Hoe running, parked in the FREE AIR space, thinking how long could somebody actually be inside the Gas Station Chicken Store. I had hope, seeing as how this wasn't the White Sedan Lady, a two-time offender here, who never seems to leave.

Aha! Here came the guy now, walking around the front of his maroon mini van with no handicap plate nor placard, also parked nose down. Good. He'd be getting in and driving away, and I could roll forward to my space. Hmm. He didn't look handicapped at all. Maybe mid-20s, just short of being termed "stocky," wearing shorts and t-shirt.

WAIT A MINUTE! That Guy did NOT get into the driver's seat! He opened the sliding side door of that mini van, and was rooting around in there. He picked up something, closed the door, and went back inside!

I was livid! What in the Not-Heaven? I'd had a hard day! Been to the bank, inside two grocery stores, bought gas for T-Hoe, went to the post office, and now I was hot and tired, with frozen stuff in T-Hoe's rear. I did NOT feel like walking the extra 50 feet on sore knees in that blazing heat. But sitting there would only let my knees stiffen up more. So I got out. 

Huh. How could That Guy not see me, sitting behind the wheel, engine running, HANDICAP PLACARD clearing dangling from the mirror? He KNEW I was waiting for that space! Why was he going back inside? Did he forget his wallet?

As I hobbled along, sweat oozing, knees creaking, I declared that if I met him coming back out, I was going to look right into his eyes! To shame him! Nobody puts Val in the FREE AIR space!

Stepping in the door, I saw That Guy standing on the other side of a woman at the counter. He handed her a PAIR OF SHOES! Aqua colored, canvas, summer footwear for a lady. The Woman handed them through the plexiglass opening to Fave, my favorite clerk. They were chuckling. Fave thanked her. Fave sure gets some good perks!

Obviously, they somewhat knew each other. Which kind of put the kibosh on my rage. THEN, The Lady turned to That Guy, and said, "Go ahead and pick one out." They got two scratchers, both number 6. That's the $3 bingo ticket that I don't play. 

Anyhoo... that's when it dawned on me. I'd seen this pair in here before. The Lady and That Guy. He has Down Syndrome. She always lets him pick out two tickets. 

I suppose The Lady is entitled to park in the handicap space, seeing as how her passenger is a person of different-abledness. Though he did not seem to have any physical impairment, perhaps he has heart issues. In which case she should not be sending him out in the blazing heat to walk extra distance to fetch a pair of shoes.

Anyhoo... I bear them no ill will, and am ashamed of my unfulfilled plot to flaunt my righteousness in That Guy's face. My shame will take a few days to dissipate. Though you'd think The Lady would have a handicap placard if they needed it...


  1. Regardless of the "handicap", parking in a handicapped space without a placard or a license plate designating it can still get you arrested in Arizona. Maybe you should move. No humidity here.

    1. Theoretically, such an arrest could happen here, too. Since the police don't track down gas drive-offs, even with video and still pictures of the license plate and the gas-pumper, I doubt they would arrest a handicap-space scofflaw.

      The lack of humidity is tempting, but I can't be sure I'd like your lottery tickets!

  2. I was yelled at all the way into a store because I could walk the few steps to an electric cart. The man declared I was not handicapped!

    1. A placard or plate is good enough proof for me. Even if I suspect a person is using one that is borrowed from a spouse or friend.

  3. She probably doesn't think she needs a placard since she does the driving and isn't disabled. And now you realise what you knew all along, not all disabledness is physically visible. I know a few people who look to be in perfect physical health, but their minds are not what they should be.

    1. Then she doesn't need to be parking in a handicap space! If That Guy needs to park closer for some physical reason, then he should have a placard to use for whoever is driving him.

  4. It is acceptable to use the placard in any vehicle where the individual with health issues is riding, whether it be his or her own vehicle or riding with someone else that is not handicapped. Unfortunately, I have heard of unscrupulous people, who will "borrow" a friend's placard, when visiting places where parking is an issue or can cause one to have to park a great distance from their location, to make their situation more convenient. I do not begrudge anyone who needs a placard. My husband keeps telling me to talk to my doctor about getting one. (of course, that means I would need to see my doctor, something I'm not fond of doing unless absolutely necessary) In the meantime, I just hobble my way in and out. For the most part, I would say it seems there is a decent amount of handicapped parking available, but there may be others that would dispute that. Ironically, I noticed there were several available at our local drivers license renewal office. Ranee (MN)

    1. Yes, and illegal to use a placard if the person it belongs to is not with you. Hick leaves my other placard hanging in A-Cad. I told him that he needs to get his own if he wants to park closer, and not just do that with mine. I'm sure he could get one, after that back surgery.
