Sunday, August 18, 2024

Is it Possible that Hick is Now Conspiring with Major Corporations in His Attempts (I'm Pretty Sure) to Kill Me?

Dang! You sit down to have a can of tuna with a fresh garden tomato for your breakfast at 12:30, and next cat out of the bag, your life is in danger!

Remember the days when it was safe to eat canned tuna? Nothing dangerous there. Well. Not counting mercury or whatever toxins might slowly kill you over time. But the mechanical act of consuming the food was safe. NOT ANYMORE!

It wasn't even store-brand tuna. It was STARKIST, Chunk Light Tuna, packed in water. 

Most of my breakfast was just fine. It was near the end, with about three bites of tomato left, that my fork poked into a BONE in the tuna!

That is NOT a fork tine! Even though it's about the size of one! That's a big BONE to smuggle into a can of tuna. Where is quality control? Napping? Is it all mechanical? Do they need to set the filter gap smaller? I don't know how a tuna-canning factory works.

Of course I point the finger at the murder attempter towards one Hick Thevictorian, who has been known (pretty surely) in the past to try and unalive Val. Then again, I suppose Hick might be too busy lately to contact a buddy who knows a buddy who has a buddy who works in a Starkist Tuna canning factory. Then there'd be all the trouble of planting the boned can in a store where I shop, on top of the other cans, on the day I decide to buy tuna. So Hick could probably good-'ol-boy his way out of an attempted-murder conviction.

Anyhoo... I am considering contacting Starkist about this matter. I doubt they would open any files to show the pictures. In the past, I found a bone in a can of Swanson's White Meat canned chicken, and sent the actual bone to them. They responded with coupons. Which I didn't use, not wanting any more bony chicken. But these days, prices are high...

I asked The Pony if I could mail a bone. He said it shouldn't be any problem. To tape it to something so it wouldn't slide around in the envelope. I was worried about machinery crushing it. But my other bone made it to Swanson. So we'll see. I will also include the label, and the numbers off of the can lid. Heh, heh. I will stop short of mailing that jagged can lid.

I don't want to be accused of trying to murder a U.S. Postal Worker.


  1. My husband has the uncanny ability to be the victim of similar situations. He may think I'm trying to do him in because I have made chicken soup different times and no matter how careful I am, there always seems to be a little piece of bone that I miss, and he ALWAYS gets it. It never ends up in my bowl. Same thing with precooked purchased meats. He is the one that gets the piece of bone, if there is one to be found. The most recent incident was when I cut up cantaloupe, I sometimes throw in a few maraschino cherries. Guess who got one with a pit still in it. Ranee

    1. Heh, heh! Your little "secret" is safe with me!

  2. I've found bones in canned tuna before. Never thought to mail one to Starkist, though. You ought to get a lifetime supply of bone-free tuna in return.

    1. Well... I'm no spring chicken. So I won't bankrupt them! Although I could hit the jackpot and find another bone, which I could forward to you for your future tuna needs.

  3. I only eat Star Kist Chunk Light Tuna in water. Yikes, that is a huge bone! I did get a bone once, tiny bone that broke off a molar. Star Kist said I had to produce the bone, dental records that my teeth were in excellent condition before the bone incident. Of course, I had swallowed the bone. I was too busy to argue. Your bone could have done more damage than mine. What if you had tried to swallow that? You might not have been typing right now.
    Your breakfast hour is about the same as mine.

    1. This makes me think Starkist must have this happen a lot, so they blame the victim, and try to discourage people from complaining. Swanson was really easy to deal with. I didn't actually expect anything in return. Only to hopefully keep other people from finding bones in their canned chicken. The coupons were a surprise.

      If I had bitten down on this bone the wrong way, it could have stuck into the roof of my mouth, or my tongue! Good thing I look at my food before putting it in my mouth!

  4. I would certainly send the bone with description of what happened. Include the label off the can too. It could result with a small refund + coupons.

    1. Yes, it will only cost me 73 cents for a stamp.

    2. Please do it. I would like to know how it goes. They told me it was not a bone. Yours definitely is a bone. They explained it was something not hard that hardens in the canning and heating process.

    3. That seems worse! At least a bone is organic to the product. Not "something" that hardens in canning and heating!

  5. I'd say you definitely can't blame Hick for this one. But I'd send photos and story by email to the company. I'm planning to send a couple of my own to a certain company concerning cheese.

    1. I might give it a try by email first, to see if I get a response. Maybe put the picture in it, rather than making it an attachment. Hope you didn't find a bone in your cheese, heh, heh!

  6. Used to be a time when companies took customer complaints quite seriously, not so much anymore. I hope you get a good response!

    1. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth the effort. If they email me coupons, I don't have a printer. If I mail the evidence, you never know how long it will take.
