Monday, August 26, 2024

If Val Was a Litigious Person

Had I been willing to throw myself on the floor, I could probably have gotten a good settlement from Country Mart.

Saturday, I went in Country Mart for my scratchers from the machine. I noticed, upon entering the first double door, a trail of liquid. It was in big dots. Like from dripping. The trail progressed from the doors and carpet mat onto the slick concrete floor inside. Across the entrance, toward the grocery aisles. It did NOT veer off toward the cart area. So I suspect somebody had something in a cart already, and was leaving that trail as they pushed it into the store. It did NOT go towards the service desk. So it was not something faulty being returned.

Anyhoo... I have no idea what left that trail. Perhaps it was an incontinent child! All I know is that I saw the trail, and did my best to avoid stepping into the liquid.

Well. As I stood at the lottery machines getting my scratchers, a worker lady appeared. She had a mop and a bucket on wheels. She asked if I was buying winners. I said it had been a while, but I hoped so. She watched for a minute, then continued swabbing at the floor with her mop. She parked her wheeled bucket and went off to do something else.

As I was leaving, I saw that the trail of drops had turned into a stream. The mop had not absorbed any of that liquid. It had only spread the drops into a solid path of wetness. Which was now over by the lottery machines. As if I didn't already stride gingerly on my sore knees, I now had to take it even slower, to make sure my footing was secure before taking the next step.

Not a yellow CAUTION WET FLOOR sign in sight!

I probably could have been rich.


  1. Wet floor is hazardous for everyone, but for someone like me (who practices falls) the falls are awful. Had some head injuries.

    1. Dang! Head injuries are no joke! I was hoping to avoid a broken arm.

  2. I see those scary things on the floor all the time! Once, I fell on grapes on the floor, really hurting myself as I fell pulling the cart on me. If I had tried, I could have owned the store!

    1. Yes. Even though they may not have known about the grapes. This store obviously knew about the liquid, since they sent that gal to "mop it up."

  3. No yellow caution sign? Shame on them! I hope nobody slipped. No amount of monetary compensation makes up for living a life forever in a wheelchair or neckbrace or whatever. It just means you can afford the help you now need.

    1. I was surprised by the lack of a yellow caution sign. They even set them out when it rains, in case people still track in water after walking over the rugs in the entryway, between the double doors.

  4. Years ago we had a neighbor who purchased the house across the street from us with his settlement money from K-Mart. His wife bragged that her husband was always falling in places and suing them. He was no longer employed, being disabled from all the falls. He looked pretty agile to me as he was running and playing with his kids in the yard! I figure that one day his "fall" wil actually be serious enough to really disable him, all things being equal.

    1. Karma has a way of finding such people, I think! Maybe an investigator could hide out and take pictures of him being "abled." That's what happens on TV. Like on the Partridge Family, with a guy in a neck brace!
