Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is Val the Rumpushole: eBay Edition

Hick went to the doctor Thursday. That's what he told me. Of course, being Hick, he left out a few pertinent details. I assumed it was his regular doctor, who is a nurse practitioner. But turns out it was a FOOT DOCTOR, since Hick's feet have been hurting. I can't imagine why. He's only on them 12 hours a day...

Anyhoo... I got a text from Hick after the appointment. As you might imagine, I had some questions after reading it. Hick can be a bit misleading, and obscure. Actual text with Hick's spelling and punctuation.

"Doctor says I have arthritis in both my feet. She wants me to get some insoles from ebay and then asteroid shot in my feet"

"Not sure how you get insoles from eBay. And I guess you mean a STEROID shot."

"She wrote down what we needed to order and yes a Steroid"

"eBay is usually people re-selling things."

"This is what she wants me to get from internet and the cream can come from Walgreens"

"Not sure why it would need to be eBay."

"It doesn't matter where amazon or anywhere the nurse said we would most likely have to get from internet"

"That's a lot different from eBay."

"The internet thats all im saying. Amazon has them and other places i just goggled them"

"I understand that, but IN THE TEXT, you said eBay. That's why I asked."

"Your making a big deal out of nothing ebay amazon goggle its all internet i juat said the wrong one"

"I'm not psychic. I just asked a question." I the rumpushole? I was only trying to figure out why we would order insoles from eBay. Nobody wants used insoles! 

Hick sent me the text. I wasn't interrogating him about his appointment. My questions came from the info Hick was giving me. I wanted to make sure what his texts really meant, since he is often confusing, and changes key points during a story.

I'm afraid to raise the issue of the steroid shot. Is that different from the cream? Hick did not mention a follow-up appointment, nor a shot that day.


  1. Surprisingly, eBay does sell new items in the package. But, I doubt a doctor would send him there. I imagine his selling place has concrete floors, bad for anyone's feet. I can definitely see how he confuses you. An asteroid shot must be powerful. This is why I now go to the doctor with Tommy.

    1. I know that some eBay sellers have "stores" that may offer new packaged items, perhaps having gotten a good deal buying in bulk. So that was my initial thought when Hick said eBay. That a certain product was offered there, and that's what the podiatrist wanted him to get. It just seemed to be an odd recommendation from a doctor, to buy something on eBay. That's why I had so many questions for Hick.

      Hick's Storage Unit Store DOES have concrete floors, but he has a cushioned mat there, and does a lot of sitting on a stool behind the counter. Hick worked in a knife-blade-making factory in charge of the machines, so was on a concrete floor all day. While working on the flip houses, he is always on his feet. So no wonder he has this problem now.

      Heh, heh! I was 99.9 percent sure Hick wasn't getting an ASTEROID shot! I just want to know if he's getting an actual shot, or it's the cream. He's had a steroid shot in his knees before, and in his back.

  2. I use these...
    They are very good and I get them from my podiatrist for cheaper.

    1. I will pass this info on to Hick. He can look at Walmart and Amazon on "eBay" I mean the internet! Or he might want to go by Walmart and look in person.

  3. Yes, a steroid shot is different from cream. I've had 2 steroid shots in my knee. It was such a relief. The cream used to be by prescription but now OTC. It didn't do anything for me but others say it helps.

    1. Hick has also had steroid shots in knees, back, and neck. He said they helped. I guess I'll wait until he's in a pleasant mood watching Gunsmoke, and then ask if he's getting an actual shot.

      Last night Hick tried the Hempvana cream on his feet. He said it took away the pain while he was sitting and sleeping. He didn't put any on this morning. He doesn't think it will work during his walking hours, but worth a try. He has used it with success for hip pain before.

  4. I just want to see you getting those items on "Goggle"!

    1. Heh, heh! Don't get me started on "Goggle!" When Hick wants a particular mechanical gadget, he tells me "It's the first one that comes up on 'Goggle.'" I have to explain that what comes up on HIS search is not what comes up on mine. He doesn't believe me. Not understanding that all his searches for mechanical stuff and collector items and gun parts create a different algorithm than my searches for reality shows and Internet Movie Data Base and Reddit threads.

  5. I'm still laughing at asteroid shot :)
    I agree nobody wants used insoles, but wonder about buying them from Amazon or any other internet place. Don't such things have to be properly fitted? I know we all have heels and toes and arches in roughly the same place, but sizing is so important when supporting is necessary. I have noticed with arch supports, the insole bends to fit into the arch, but with flat feet, what is needed is some support along the middle of the foot where the tendon runs along from the heel to the ball.
    When it comes to arthritis in the foot I wouldn't know about what part needs support.

    1. I had a choice of insoles for high or low arches, but just chose the "basic" version, in the size that fits Hick's shoe size.

      Eleven years ago, Hick went to The Good Feet Store for inserts, and "accidentally" spent $980 on them. I'm pretty sure we won't be doing THAT again.

  6. I think an asteroid shot would be explosive! I didn't even goggle it! Thanks to Hick for the laughter!! I use the Voltaren on my arthritic hands and find that it helps. It is just a different avenue for getting pain meds in your system. The equivalent of taking Ibuprofen without the stomach problems that can occur with long term use. It makes it easier to target the affect area.

    1. Heh, heh! Sometimes I would LIKE to give Hick an asteroid shot! Hopefully, the Voltaren will help Hick with his painful feet.
