Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Pony Receives Acknowledgement For Suffering

Saturday, I got a text from The Pony shortly after noon.

"I've hit mile 4 of my walking today. I've just realized what I forgot this morning. My ibuprofen."

"Aww. By the time I could get to town, you'd be almost done. Or I'd try to bring you some."

"Yeah. I'm just complaining. A nice business might hopefully have some."

"It doesn't hurt to ask."

Fifteen minutes later, a follow-up:

"They had some. Wooo!"

You see, The Pony isn't asking for free drinks or food for delivering their mail. Only if somebody could spare an ibuprofen to soothe his recently-sprained ankle.

At 2:08, I got another Pony text:

"Ladybug landed on my arm while I was thinking about how bad this day is with the ankle pain."

"Aww. Grandma is soothing you."

Then at 3:29, a picture:

Can't pretend I'm not jealous. I haven't seen ladybugs of any kind for a long, long time. 
The Pony needs them more than I do. 


  1. Makes me think of a childrens song from church choir. Ladybug, ladybug, open your wings, fly away to Bethlehem while we sing ..... Totally off topic, right?

    1. Apparently, I did not spend enough time in church! The only one I think of is "Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home. Your house is on fire and your children are gone."

      Not so much off topic. Depends on your connection with ladybugs. Ours comes from seeing them everywhere right after my mom died in February 2015. Not exactly a time when you expect to see ladybugs. And Mom had housed about a million of them in the drop ceiling of her family room, refusing to call an exterminator.

  2. Val,
    Your version is the version I remember. I feel sorry for lady bugs when I see them, knowing their children are in peril. I am glad he found an ibuprofen to take.

    1. I am happy when I see a ladybug, because of the association with my mom. The Pony got the ibuprofen from the workers at the wine store he delivers to, and buys from on his break time. I guess that's a perk of being a mailman!

  3. Love that mailbox cover :) I'm glad someone was able to give The Pony some medication.

    1. That cover must be new, because The Pony has not mentioned it before. It helps being a personable mailman, so businesses are willing to offer him drugs!
