Friday, August 2, 2024

The Universe Seems to Have an Insatiable Thirst for Pony Ankles

The Pony sent me a text and some pictures from work on Tuesday.

"I keep getting extremely lucky to not break the ankle! This thing flipping over under my foot yesterday."

"It's a utility/water hole cover."

"And now this one!"

"See the problem?"

"Yikes! To the first one!"

"How about now?"

"That's treacherous!"

"This town is getting ridiculous with all of them!"

The Pony must remain ever-vigilant to survive the trail day after day.


  1. He may need to lengthen his day and use only sidewalks to access homes, just for his own safety. But, then again, maybe the sidewalks are like some of the ones around here. Ups and downs and cracks and missing pieces. He needs ground penetrating radar. Ranee (MN)

    1. Not sure that would help, since The Pony's original broken ankle occurred on a sidewalk! And not even a crumbly one. Heh, heh, The Pony needs something like a fish-finder, to see below the soil. I hesitate to call it a "hole-finder."

  2. The cover to water meter was like that in my front yard. One day, I looked in car on passenger side and stepped back as I opened the door. I stepped on the cover which had been half replaced, fell and knocked myself out for a moment. Someone found me. The water dept came immediately before I had even recovered, replaced it, and basically told me good luck, that it was not their fault. Those meters are treacherous.

    1. Their CYA response was so speedy! Of course it was somebody else's fault! Because people have nothing better to do than mess with water meter covers...

  3. I'm wondering why he needs to walk across grass instead of sidewalks and thinking perhaps a pair of those tennis racquet style snowshoes would help, they'd at least be wide enough to keep his feet out of holes, though they would also slow him down somewhat.

    1. Not every street has sidewalks. Also, it would add several hours to his route, going all the way back to the sidewalk to walk a short distance before turning up to the next house.

      Heh, heh! Shoes are a slippery slope. They are SUPPOSED to be an approved brand, and bought from one of the official vendors. Prices are high, and the wear is not as good as some other brands. Not sure if it's that kind in this picture of The Pony's feet. At the very least, they must be leather (not mesh or fabric), and black, with non-skid soles. Snowshoes don't quite meet the requirements...

  4. How about a nice office job? Or since he's employed by the guvmint, is he goin' for a career.

    1. The job security, benefits, and retirement are a carrot The Pony is following. He does not want the responsibility of a managerial position with the USPS, though that is within the realm of possibility with any college degree.

  5. Wow! That is an accident waiting to happen. I wonder who would be responsible for injuries from the holes.

    1. I don't know! The city, because it's part of their utility system? Or the homeowner's insurance, because somebody got injured on their property? I imagine it would be a lengthy battle to obtain satisfaction! At least the medical expenses would be covered by worker's comp.
