Thursday, August 15, 2024

Hick Scores More Freebies

Hick still has the knack. The knack for raking in free stuff. 

Last week, he sent me a text: "Remind me to get a cage when I come home."

Okay. That's not even near one of Hick's more odd requests. But I DID wonder what was going on. Was it some kind of wildlife trap? Like when he was trying to catch (extremely unsuccessfully!) the squirrel in The Pony's attic? I know Hick sells stuff to hunters and fishermen, so trappers would not be out of the realm of possibility. When I came back from town, Hick was already home. But I did indeed remind him of his cage.

"I already got it in the truck for tomorrow."

"What kind of cage?"

"For a cat. A buddy wants to take his cat somewhere, and needs a cage."

"You mean a PET CARRIER?"

"Yeah. A little one, for a cat."

Again, you never can be sure what Hick is talking about, pre-interrogation.

Tuesday, I arrived home to find four garden tomatoes on a plate on the counter.

"My buddy give me them tomatoes, for letting him use the cage. The two dark red ones are from his garden, and the two lighter ones are from the Amish he buys stuff from."

"Okay. They'll be good, but I don't know what we'll eat them with. We're having the Chinese food I made tonight and tomorrow."

"Oh, that reminds me. He also gave me a bottle of whiskey! It's in the truck. I need to bring it in."

"What kind?"

"Wild Turkey. Because he knows that's what I like. He's the one who gave me a bottle before."

Since a couple of the tomatoes were starting to wrinkle, I ate one Wednesday morning (meaning noon:30) for my breakfast, instead the usual banana with fake Honey Nut Cheerios. I had it with a can of tuna. 

IT WAS DELICIOUS! I've always liked that combination. Only two ingredients needed, a tomato and some tuna. It took me back to my school days, on summer vacation, when my grandma would give us a whole box of tomatoes that needed eating. I felt like I was back at home, lying on the orange/avocado green patterned indoor/outdoor carpet of our family room, in front of the TV on an August afternoon, perhaps watching General Hospital, eating tuna out of a sliced-open garden tomato.


  1. I never liked tomatoes when I was a child but I sure like the home grown tomatoes now. Isn't it strange how our tastes change as we get older?

    1. Yes! I used to hate homemade vegetable soup, because I thought it looked like garbage. Now I love it!

  2. I'm not sure of your combination of tuna and tomato but curiously just before I read this post, SWMBO had come in from putting an umbrella over her tomato plant to shield it from the very hot sun. She said hold out your hand and she then dumped a handful of very warm miniature Romas in my hand. She said the sun is so hot they're cooking on the vine. Then we each ate one and I had to use the old line from the song: "Ain't nothin' in the world like home grown tomatoes." (Well, I just listened to the song and that isn't truly the line but it's the right idea!)

    1. I didn't know they would cook, but I've had the warm tomatoes from my grandma's garden, and they were delicious! It's like the store-bought tomatoes are an entirely different (tasteless) food!

  3. I love tuna and tomato! I will only eat one can of tuna a week and have now had that. I still have tomatoes. Have you ever had tomato chopped in coleslaw?
    Cage makes me think of something wilder and larger than a cat to transport.

    1. I have not tried tomato in coleslaw. I am a coleslaw connoisseur, so the thought of added tomato does not appeal to me. However, I could see eating a fish sandwich with both coleslaw and tomato on it.

      Yeah, that cage thing made me think of a wild critter, and not a pet.

    2. I highly objected when someone put tomato into coleslaw for me to eat. Now, I love it but don't have it often. I have never had a fish sandwich.

    3. My favorite fish sandwich comes from Captain D's. It's the Giant Fish Sandwich, with two long pieces of fish on a round bun. So you can tear it in half if you want. My mom and I used to get them. I haven't had one in 10 years, since she passed away. They only put tartar sauce on it, but their slaw is also my favorite kind.

  4. I like tomatoes and tuna, but not together. I like my tuna mixed with mayo and chopped dill pickle. Tomatoes generally go into a mixed green salad or sliced onto a ham sandwich.

    1. You don't know what you're missing! Then again, it's like me not wanting to try tomato in coleslaw. I like my tuna salad with mayo, dill pickle, and onion. Also a chopped boiled egg if I'm not too lazy.
