Monday, August 19, 2024

Slowly, and Hopefully Surely

Hick had planned to have the Double Hovel flip house(s) finished and listed with a realtor by the end of July. Well. You know the date. He DID call the lady who sold us Pony House, and make an appointment for Tuesday afternoon. 

Hick made the call on Friday. (Or so I thought. Seems he actually popped into her office.) I suppose he thought she would just run over and take pictures with her phone and VOILA, our property would be on the innernets by that evening. Nope. She said she has to schedule a professional photographer (I see bundles of our profit sadly bidding us adieu), and will do a walk-through that day.

I'm sure this will come as a complete shock to all of you. Sit down. Have some smelling salts at hand. Be ready to put your head between your knees if you feel faint. Are you ready? The realtor told Hick that all the walls on the outside of the house should be the same color! I might have dislocated my shoulder while fist-pumping during my victory celebration.

Hick did not reveal that information without considerable interrogation. Ironically, he had been painting trim on the main house of the Double Hovel last week. Black trim, on the porch and deck, which looks good to me. Not sure he was quite done when he sent these photos. Said he was going to lunch. 

No, Hick didn't spill black paint under the porch light. I was covering up the address. You can see the painter himself in the window reflection, with SilverRedO.

Hick was not about to miss his lunch at the Senior Center to finish this project.

Hick said something about painting the handrail on the Beauty Shop. I asked him then about the two walls, and he was noncommittal. SHADY might be a better word. But now, it seems like he will comply. Meaning he has MONDAY to get that painting done. It shouldn't be a big deal. It's not a big house.

Well. After typing this whole thing on Sunday afternoon, there were new "developments" Sunday night. Not changing the post I've already done, but more will follow tomorrow.


  1. Don't you love it when someone concurs with your thoughts and then he has to tell you. How did he break it to you? No arguing with her?

    1. Under detailed questioning, Hick admitted that the realtor said the house should be all the same color. But later...

      See tomorrow for more details.

  2. Replies
    1. I like the front door. And the porch railings look good.

  3. I'm fist pumping with you, but more gently because I have a headache and will soon need a nap. I'm glad the realtor agreed with us on walls being the same colour. The main house is looking good.

    1. Hope your headache goes away. The Pony had one this morning before work.

      Hick has changed his tune on the realtor's wall opinion. More details tomorrow. I'm saving my fist. Whether for pumping or other uses, we shall see...

  4. I love it when I catch things upon interrogation!

    1. It's like a challenge! I always prevail, because Hick is not a good liar. Which I suppose is a good thing.

    2. His lying skills are not as sharp as your investigative skills! Same here!!

    3. Yes. We are quite advanced!
