Friday, August 16, 2024

Hick the Do-Gooder Does Good For Family

Hick went down to Casino Town on Thursday. He did not invite me! He had business to do with a crony there who runs a pawn shop, and provides him with merchandise for his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). It was not a big deal to me. I prefer to have my casino trips with The Pony. Riding 90 minutes with Hick alone is not so appealing. The Pony works on Thursdays, so not an option.

Anyhoo... Hick invited HOSS (Hick's Oldest Son's Son) to ride along. With the enticement being lunch at the Throwed Roll Restaurant that's another 30 minutes south. I don't like taking the extra time there and back. So Hick got himself a lunch companion, who has not been there before, and at 14 years old is ready to eat at the drop of a hat.

As Hick's well-known luck would have it, his crony was not even at her pawn shop. She had been to the Philippines, having just returned on Wednesday, and was recovering from jet lag. So Hick did his business with her adult son. 

At the Throwed Roll Restaurant, Hick had the ham steak, with sides of mashed potatoes and green beans. He regretted that he did not have the carrots. Of course there are the pass-arounds he could have as well, in unlimited portions, just like the throwed rolls. But they don't include the carrots.

"What did HOSS have?"

"Huh. I didn't know what he'd like. I told him they had a cheeseburger and fries. He looked at the menu, and held it out to me. 'Can I have THIS?' I didn't really see what he was pointing at, but I said, 'Sure. You can have whatever you want.' Turns out it was steak and shrimp!"

"Still. He could have whatever he wanted! Surely you would not have told him no!"

"No. I wouldn't have. I was just surprised. And he ate every bit of it, too! But he only had one roll. He caught two, but didn't want the other one."

"Now he'll have a story to tell when school starts! 'My grandpa took me to the Throwed Roll Restaurant, and I had steak and shrimp!'"

"Yeah. He needs to tell his other grandpa about it. He said he'd never heard of it."

"So is it going to be on the credit card?"

"No. I paid for it with my money."

That's Hick. The Do-Gooder. Doing good, even when there will be no freebies forthcoming for his efforts.


  1. They really throw rolls to customers? There must be lots of missed ones on the floor.

    1. Yes! I think they have three or four locations now. They've been on a Food Network show before. We went there with a tweenage Pony and teenage Genius. The Pony dropped a roll, and almost cried! He LOVES rolls. They tossed him another right away, but it was the WASTE that got him emotional.

      My former boss, when I worked at the unemployment office, went there once, and missed a roll. She tried to sue them for the grease stain on her blouse, which did not come out, even with dry-cleaning. I guess boss clothes are expensive! She did not win.

  2. Wait. You two have two older sons and he has a younger son? How does that work?

    1. When a man and a woman love each other very much... OH! You are referring to the ages!

      It's there in the reading. Not really a riddle. HOSS, the 14 year old kid Hick took to lunch, is Hick's Oldest Son's SON. Meaning Hick is his grandpa, also referenced above.

      Hick had sons 9 and 7 when we got married. Then a few years later, we had Genius and The Pony. So Hick does not have a son younger than Genius and The Pony. He has two boys older than them, who have their own children now.

    2. My head has been so muddled from a week of an antibiotic that has every bone, muscle, joint aching, too. I actually had to read that three times to even understand. Yes, it is simple once I get it through my skull. Thanks for explaining.

    3. My writing often takes you down a pig trail, but with me, it's the journey, not the destination.

  3. Most times, grandpas are the only chance a kid can have steak and shrimp. If it had been available when I was growing up, I'm 100% sure my parents never would have allowed it, but I'm also 100% sure my grandfather would have, even if it would have pinched his wallet a bit. And then he would have told the story over and over again to his farmer friends. (and, in the meantime, I would have had a story to tell my school friends, because growing up in a small community, very few of us were exposed to such fine cuisine) Way to go, grandpa. You may have just moved up in status a bit with your grandson and you weren't even trying. I have returned to this same community as of 2016 and I would give anything for an Indian restaurant. I'd even be okay with a Red Lobster. One thing we're not short of is Pizza. We have 5 places with the main focus being pizza, not counting the grocery stores or convenience/gas stations (Caseys anyone?). Ranee (MN)

    1. I'm pretty sure my mom and dad would not have let me order steak and shrimp for lunch! My grandmas might have. Not sure about my grandpas.

      Yes, I think HOSS will like telling this story, because probably 99 percent of the students around here have never been to the Throwed Roll Restaurant. Real name is Lambert's.

      I've never had Indian food. I don't like spicy anything, other than Frank's Original Hot Sauce. I DO LOVE Casey's Pizza!!! Red Lobster would be okay, too. We can drive an hour to the city for that, unless they've gone out of business by now.

      What I'd like around here is a good place to pick up FRIED CHICKEN! The Gas Station Chicken Store stopped serving it shortly before the pandemic, and the Country Mart here remodeled into 10Box without a deli. So I have to drive over to the other Country Mart. There's a KFC in that town, but I don't count that as good fried chicken. Never go there.

    2. Oh, I hear you there. We are actually quite fortunate that our one pizza place also provides other options. (well, actually most of them do except Papa Murphys and Pizza Hut) Our Pizza Barn makes pretty good fried chicken. Their sides are meh, but we often just get the garlic and/or garlic cheese bread and pick up coleslaw etc. from our grocery deli. I do not make fried chicken. I am not successful, and I am too messy. Ranee

    3. I long for the days of the deli here in Country Mart, and the Friday night suppers I would pick up. It was a treat for me not to cook!

  4. Ha! Ha! This story reminds me of when I drove 2 of my nieces, age 12 and my nephew, age 8 to my house for a week's stay a couple years ago. I told them they could each decide what we would eat for one night during the week but that they'd need to help me prepare whatever they decided on. My nephew piped up right away that he wanted steak and potatoes. It turns out none of them knew how to cook except for one niece who cooked us a lovely breakfast one day:)

    1. At least you had the breakfast! I'm sure your tactic taught the kids how much effort actually goes into preparing their food.

  5. IWe took our 15 yo grandson to Florida last week. He ordered crab legs and ate every bit. My husband said it's okay because he's a type 1 diabetic. Ha! Grandson is and probably will be our only grandchild, so he had the time of his life.

    1. Grandkids are for spoiling, and you can send them home before the consequences of the spoiling manifest themselves!

  6. Is HOSS also HOGS (Hick's oldest grandson!) My grandpa used to visit us in Canada and take us to the buffet! A favourite memory of mine.

    1. Yes, he IS, and I'm glad I didn't think of that name first! My grandpa used to offer me the pickled pigs' feet he had in a jar in his refrigerator! Still, a pretty good memory.

    2. Yes, HOSS sounds much better! No pigs feet for me, but I won't say no to some pig tail! :D

    3. That's another part of the pig I've never tried.

  7. I've seen the throwed roll restaurant on youtube. I like the idea of steak and shrimp, good choices for a 14 year old.

    1. Yes, I thought he'd probably ask for a cheeseburger and fries.

  8. After looking at the menu, I think a visit there would be about once or twice a year. My cholesterol count couldn't handle any more frequent visits.

    1. Good thing it's about two hours away from us! I haven't been in many years. My favorite meal to order was the chicken livers.
