Saturday, August 3, 2024

Another Day of Unfortunate Events For The Pony

Thursday was not a good work day for The Pony. Apparently, he had sent texts to Hick, choosing to spare me the details, lest I go apoplectic with worry. When The Pony clocked out, he sent a text that I could call after he had time to shower and order food.

Seems that The Pony's Metris (the mini van that has air conditioning, unlike the LLVs (Long Live Vehicles) had been commandeered that morning to give to a regular with more seniority. The Pony did not begrudge this usurption. After all, seniority is king in a government job.

"She had been having trouble with her Metris. And she has a route that is mostly driving. Mine is mostly walking. So I understand. It was more of a problem for her to use that Metris than for me."

Well. The Pony had an issue with the door not opening. It got stuck. Meaning The Pony could not get back into the Metris. He had to call the office so they could send out Maintenance to fix the door. Meanwhile, in the 110-degree heat index, The Pony had to sit on the back of the van and wait. No way to get in, because there's a cage between the mail-hauling section, and the driving section.

Also, the window didn't go down on the driver's door, and the back door wouldn't lock, to secure the mail.

THEN, The Pony noticed a problem with a tire. So he sent a picture to Hick.

"Like, this is to replace a tire kind of thing, right?"

Of course, Hick did not bother to reply. Though he said later that it looked like the tire had been run into a curb, and that if it was that bad, the tire would have been flat. The Pony, not hearing from Hick, opted to continue on his route, though going slower, hoping he didn't have a blow-out from the tire. Not wanting to wait in the heat for a mechanic to come change it, delaying his route even more.

Oh, and because The Pony was behind after waiting for the driver's door to be fixed, a portion of his mail had been given to another carrier, but that carrier had to go to the ER because of heat injury, so 3/4 of that mail came back to The Pony. Not that he begrudged that carrier medical treatment. At least that was one thing The Pony escaped that day.

Anyhoo... The Universe owes The Pony some good luck for a change. 


  1. We have had hot and humid weather this week and it made me think of The Pony and all mail carriers, having to lug that bag of mail around, walking door to door, dodging potential foot falls and dog bites, not to mention heat stroke. You have raised a very considerate and understanding young man. He gets my respect more and more each day. Life ain't easy and The Pony has had a lot of crazy things thrown in his path and he continues to be calm and considerate. It's encouraging. Kudos to him and to you. Ranee (MN)

    1. Such sweet words of encouragement! I will pass your comment on to The Pony. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, the Post Office delivery equipment is in sorry shape. I wouldn't begrudge some of my tax money from the government going towards updated delivery equipment.

    1. At least (for now!) The Pony has one of the vehicles with air conditioning! According to The Pony, the post office receives no tax dollars, and is run on their "profits" from stamps and delivery services. That's why junk mail has to be delivered! It's one of their main sources of income. I think they've been operating in the red for several decades...

  3. (see my comment on your last post)

  4. The universe certainly does owe The Pony a few good days, maybe even a whole week of good days. I'm glad that tyre didn't blow out and cause an accident.

    1. Yes, the tire remaining inflated was a stroke of good luck for The Pony. Though there DOES seem to be a deficit that needs EVENING by STEVEN.

  5. Poor Pony! Seems like he is always having equipment issues or injuries to his body. If they have a maintenance department, you would think they would have everything up to code before it left the parking lot.

    1. They do have a maintenance department. But they send the vehicles to a mechanic less than a mile away, up by the Casey's where I get T-Hoe's gas. There are always at least three vehicles sitting on that lot waiting for repairs.
