Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Bargain Man Gets Another Bargain

I made use of Hick's auction bananas on Saturday, making banana nut bread, and strawberry-banana muffins with them. Also, another bowl of pudding using vanilla wafers, a banana, and vanilla pudding.

Let the record show that Val has never claimed to be a 5 star Michelin chef. The closest she comes is an uncanny resemblance to the Michelin Man. I used a box mix for the banana nut bread, and a bagged mix for the strawberry-banana muffins. 

I used three bananas, and made two little loaves. One would probably have worked. I used the "instructions" amount of 3 eggs, and 1/3 cup of oil, and cut down the 1/3 cup of water to 1/4, due to the moisture in the bananas.

Hick cut off an end of a loaf, and proclaimed that it was "really good."

I used two bags of the Save A Lot brand "Ginger Evans" strawberry muffin mix. It called for adding 1/2 cup of milk per bag. So I cut that from one cup to 3/4 cup. Hick ate a muffin, and said it was also "really good." Which may tell you something about the food I've been feeding Hick all these years, heh, heh.

Anyhoo... Hick was back to his regular bargaining self on Saturday at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). One of his buddies drove up with a trailer loaded with 10 mattresses. Hick bought one for $200. He says it's new, and wrapped in plastic. The buddy's girlfriend works in the city, and she obtained this bargain. Hick says he didn't look at the tag, so he doesn't know if it's a brand name mattress. I am confident that it is NOT! 

Let the record show that Hick has been talking about getting a new mattress for a couple years now. So this is not a surprise. He said he would have sprung for $300 on a more expensive version, but when he felt it, that mattress was too soft. 

Can't be any worse than the aged mattress we have now. And you can't beat the price with a stick. Hick has roped The Pony into coming out on Sunday to carry it into our hillbilly mansion. Until then, it resides in the bed of SilverRedO, which is at least under the shelter of the carport.


  1. You have inspired me to do some baking! $300 for a mattress? I checked prices and they range from$100 -

    $ 2500 or $300? Read up on the analysis of mattresses. see what those sites say. Those muffins and cakes look delicious!

    1. Hick has been looking at mattresses for a while. He was reluctant to pull the trigger, due to prices. He couldn't pass up this bargain! We'll see how it works out...

  2. Good job on using the bananas.
    They do look delicious.
    That is a really cheap mattress. Hopefully, it will be comfortable.

    1. The bananas are gone, and Hick is feasting on the products. He seems to think they are good. As for the mattress, time will tell. Hick is optimistic. He spends more time on the mattress than I do.

  3. Both the banana bread and the muffins look great! Maybe better than "really good". Did you taste them? (I know how quickly Hick can devour food.)

    1. I did not taste the final product, as I have been cutting back, and don't want to be tempted. I DID taste the batter of each, from the spoon, before washing the bowls, despite directions NOT to taste raw batter. I will say that the banana bread batter was way sweeter than the muffin batter. The Pony was given one of the loaves, and six muffins, to take home after helping carry the mattress. Out of sight, out of temptation!

  4. Oh boy, that banana bread and the strawberry/banana muffins look so-o-o delicious. I've never seen a strawberry muffin mix before and I don't know if I'll ever see one but they sound terrific. I'm sure the new mattress will be fine:)

    1. The new mattress will at least be better than the old mattress. The strawberry muffin mix comes in a bag, suitable for making six muffins. The brand is Martha White. All that's needed is milk. The strawberry part is in pellets, though they melt and add a nice flavor to the muffins.

  5. The muffins and bread look really good!
    I'd love a new decent mattress. Lola ruined mine during her last migraine when she peed through all the layers of bedding. I couldn't wash the mattress so pulled it down to the junk pile and bought the cheapest replacement I could find. Let me just say it's better than nothing but not by much. A "proper" mattress in the right size is likely to cost over $800 for a decently supportive one and that's before the delivery cost is added. So I make do and and have got used to it. I still sleep well once I fall asleep.

    1. Hick says the muffins and bread are good! I'll hear from The Pony in a day or two.

      I'm glad you are sleeping well on your mattress. I told Hick his bargain will be fine as long as a spring doesn't poke through! He said "Val, nobody makes mattresses with springs inside anymore." We'll see...

  6. Good job on using up bananas. It is time for a new mattress in our house andthey are not cheap! We have stretched theuse of this one by adding one of those memory foam toppers 4" thick. It was nice for the past three years, but now it is remembering far too well. We have tried flipping it, but in our tiny bedroom, it is quite an event. I am looking at the ones that partially inflate, since I don't have the luxury of The Pony to help get it in the bedroom!

    1. We had one of those memory toppers, and I agree that they don't forget! The Pony got some kind of PURPLE (?) brand mattress for his house. I think Hick said it came all rolled up in a box, and was easier to manipulate.
