Monday, July 29, 2024

At the Risk of Making Good-Guy Hick Unpopular

I know Hick only has sight in one eye, but how can he be so blind??? I told him I put up a picture of the Beauty Shop with that "cedar siding," and that the opinions of "my people" were not favorable.

"All my buddies say it looks good!"

"My people say it looks bad!"

I elaborated a bit about the specifics.

"Huh. Where are they from?"

"What, like it's good enough for the denizens of Backroads?"

"Like I said, my buddies like it."

"That's another thing. Of course your buddies are not going to criticize something you've done. They're your buddies!"

"I told you I was doing it, and you said it was fine."

"NO! I did NOT! I hate that stuff! Why would I say it was fine? I didn't even like it on The Pony's house! You did NOT ask me about this. Last I heard, you were going to patch that white vinyl siding. You SAID you asked The Pony, and he said it was fine. I haven't asked The Pony if that's true."

"You said it was okay."

"No! I didn't. It will lower the price we can get on this property. It's not worth doing this to save us each a couple hundred dollars on materials. You need to ask a realtor about it!"

"I'll do just that! I'm hoping to have it ready to list with a realtor by the end of this week."

"Fine! We'll see what they say. Since you won't listen to me and my people!"

I can't believe a licensed realtor will agree with Hick that this siding is fine! I'm not even sure that Hick will actually paint it white, to somewhat camouflage this shortcut! Since he kept saying that it wasn't yet stained!

What in the Not-Heaven is Hick thinking??? Is his ego getting in the way of common sense?

Further discussion with Hick (quite unproductive), informed me that:

I don't know nothin'. 
I never get out. 
A house one street down from ours has the front a different color than the rest.
Out on the highway, a new subdivision has houses with different colored sides.
All the old ladies at the Senior Center like this "cedar siding."
The house-flipper lady at the Senior Center asked what color stain Hick planned to use.
You can't tell me nothin'.
Of course Hick will ask a realtor about the "cedar siding" affecting the value.
Hick is planning to make that side and the front the same color!?!?
I criticize everything Hick does. 
I can just do it myself if I don't like it.

Hmm. Seems as if my input is not well-received...


  1. I asked a realtor friend if the "cedar siding" along with the previous style siding would affect the value of the home. She said that it would have greater value if the siding matched the original siding, as close as possible. She also said this new way of siding things, the last few years, is not liked by a lot of people, although she has sold houses with the entire outside having this type of siding but with typical siding on the front. It does save the cost of siding an entire house with vinyl 4" drop siding or alternative. She did mention that most people still prefer maintenance free. Just thought I would mention it. It doesn't really support my original argument or yours, either, but this is the realtor that we went through when we sold our townhome and moved to my hometown. Ranee (MN)

    1. Thank you for that information! I definitely want it to be as close to the white siding as possible, hoping to make it less noticeable. I had no idea people actually make some sides of a house different ON PURPOSE, not just as a patch job for a flip house.

      But there's been another development that Hick just sprung on me a couple of hours ago... Story tomorrow.

  2. He might be secretly embarrassed at what your people think and is taking that out on you because he knows, deep inside, that cedar patch isn't right.

    1. Hick always thinks he's right. So I don't think that is the case. He just wants to assert his know-it-all-ness.

  3. So it goes in quiet, peaceful Missouri.

    1. Every now and then, we take time out from watching paint dry (and nailing up "cedar siding"), to stage an event that allows citizens of other states to feel superior. Just one more service offered by the great state of Missouri!

  4. Well, it goes without saying that your people have way more class than his!!

    1. You ain't a-woofin'! Every single opinion agrees with ME! I'm pretty sure "my people" don't just make a practice of blowing smoke up my rumpus.
