Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Way Out of Val's Dog House Is Through Her Stomach

Hick might just have redeemed himself for ridiculing Val's views on his butchery of the exterior of the Beauty Shop half of the Double Hovel flip house. 

I was perusing the menu Hick brought home from the Senior Center. On Tuesday, they were having

Pulled Pork
Tater Babies
Wedding Cake OR Fruit

"I think I might like you to bring me home a Senior Center lunch for supper."

"Yeah. I just have to call ahead to let them know."

Well. Hick came home with two plastic bags of styrofoam containers. Carrying them all willy-nilly, like a burro loaded for a trip down into the Grand Canyon. Seems Hick also brought himself another lunch for his own supper, even though I was planning to cook something for him. I guess that conveys his opinion of my cooking.

Anyhoo, Hick swore he drove straight home from the Senior Center. I had ordered suggested that he store my lunch/supper in a refrigerator at the flip house before coming home. He usually shows up around 5:00. But on Tuesday, it was 1:00.

A meal costs $4.00 at the Senior Center now. It used to be $3.00. Anyhoo... I took out one of the bags to look inside. The dessert puzzled me.

Well. That did NOT look like any wedding cake I have ever seen! So I looked in the little dessert container for the other lunch/supper.

That was unfortunate! This one looked even worse! I decided that I did not want dessert. (Hick later said  it was some kind of pumpkin dessert.) I checked the lunch/supper container.

Ooh! That was a lot of slaw! In fact, it had leaked out of the container and into the bag while Hick was toting it. I cleaned up the mess, and decided that this must be the container for me!

When I got home from town, Hick was out back working on POOLIO's filter. I told him I set out the container I wanted, due to the slaw.

"Is it creamy slaw? Or the other kind?"

"Looks creamy to me. White juice that leaked out of the container."

"Okay. Because the other kind was a vinegar kind. I don't like that at all! In fact, I don't even want any slaw. Or the tater tots. I just want the sandwich."

"I'll look in the other container to see what kind of slaw. I like the white kind."

Jackpot!!! MORE slaw! Since Hick only wanted the sandwich, I put half the slaw, and half the tater tots into containers for Wednesday. In fact, Hick took some of the pulled pork off his sandwich for me to save, and I did the same with mine. Seems that while eating his first lunch at the Senior Center, an old lady asked Hick if he wanted half her sandwich. He did! So I can understand why he was kind of full for supper. But he still had room for a dessert.

Anyhoo... this was a step towards smoothing Val's ruffled feathers over the Beauty Shop debacle. Hick SAYS he will paint those walls white. And that he has plans for a rock garden out front.

We'll see. Friday's Senior Center lunch sounds tempting...


  1. I never heard it called vinegar slaw and white slaw, but I suppose I make white slaw but mine is not quite so runny. Good food always makes me happy.

    1. That slaw was as runny as what we get at Bandana's BBQ! Like slaw soup! I dipped it out with a fork, into a bowl, leaving behind as much liquid as possible.

  2. I think Hick has "seen the light" thanks to your discussion regarding the siding. At the very least, painting it white will help it blend in. I won't deny that he does a nice job with installation, and it does help a bit with uniformity to have it on the front also. It almost makes it look like it was supposed to be that way. A rock garden would be a nice touch and be a bit more inviting. Let's hope he stays on this path and follows through. Ranee

    1. I'm digging in my heels on the white paint, but it might be an uphill battle with The Pony as the swing vote. Story (and another picture) coming up tomorrow. I hope Hick actually does the rock garden. It would indeed add a nice touch to the front.

  3. I have never seen slaw with so much dressing until I found the internet. It's like slaw soup. (to me anyway) I'm glad there was enough so you could have some the next day.
    The rock garden would be a nice touch to the house. And the white paint of course.

    1. Yes, that's what I called it, slaw soup! This, and the version served at Bandana's BBQ are the only slaws I have seen so soupy.

      I hope Hick does the rock garden. He has plenty of rocks here he can use. I will keep harping on the white paint!

  4. I really hate Bandana's slaw! I like my slaw to be forked to my mouth without dripping it all over myself! Now I can't wait to see the rock garden.

    1. I still order it, because I love slaw! But that "soup" is annoying, and wants to leak out onto other items. At least eating it with a fork helps leave the soup behind.

      Hick does not seem to be fired up to start the rock garden. I mentioned it again tonight. He hasn't called the realtor yet, and I want the rock garden done before pictures on a listing!
