Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Chronicle of The Pony's Latest Lameness

Be forewarned, there are a lot of FOOT pictures here! If you hate feet as much as Val, you may not want to read further...

Since The Pony sprained his ankle at work on Tuesday around noon, he has kept us updated on his progress. The ER doctor said The Pony might be ready to return to work on Monday, unless his ankle felt worse. The x-rays pointed to a sprain, not a break. The Pony was given crutches and prescription painkillers, told to stay off it for a couple of days.

Wednesday, the day after the injury, The Pony's ankle looked like this:

"Unwrapped for a bath. Doctor was specific that I could unwrap and redo the air splint and stuff. Right side is pretty swollen, left side is barely."

"It will bruise more, but bath jets will help carry away damaged cells."

"Careful tests with the crutches show it can hold weight, but bending the ankle is still painful. But has me hopeful!" 

"Yeah. Gently try to keep your range of motion. Maybe tomorrow try some figure 8s with it elevated. The ICE (ice, compression, elevation) is only for the first 48 hours, I think."

"Yeah. I've used it off and on today, mostly elevation."

On Thursday, my prediction proved true. More bruising.

"This morning."

"Colorful. Still swollen. Maybe try moving it around this evening."

By afternoon:

"Another warm bath. Trying to do the figure 8s like you suggested. Trying not to take the pain med, but stumbled earlier and aggravated it."

"You'll delay your healing with careless stumbling. And need the Delores [woman at worker's comp who delayed The Pony's broken ankle claim by not responding in a timely manner] doctor! You have ONE JOB! To protect and heal that ankle, heh, heh!"

"I know, I know, I know. I was on the crutches! I'm just so sore from being out of practice and using them on the other foot."

"That is concerning in itself."

"I knowwww."

Friday around noon:

"Foot update. Gonna try a shower and see if I can drive today."

"Be careful. It won't hurt to take the pain med when you get home if it hurts. But you should try using your ankle to get it moving again. Athletes tape up sprained ankles and play on them."

"I know. I really want to get back to work on Monday. I don't want to deal with Delores or getting sent to a doctor just to be told 'yeah, you're fine.' Honestly I'm confused at the bruises on the toe, more than the overall discoloration of the foot."

"Blood seeks gravity. Also, you might have bent your toes back while falling on the step. If you can stand it, walking on it with crutches might help work out the fluid. Just putting light pressure on it while walking with crutches."

"Yeah. Definitely gotta have those with me, just in case."

"This spot right here is what's still actually painful to touch and where most of the pain when I bend it or use it comes from."

"I guess that's the most damaged area. The ligaments around the lateral malleolus, maybe? Not sure if a tendon attaches there."

"Could be. Getting ready to leave. Foot is too swollen to fit in my shoe. Or at least, to get into without tears level pain while I have the ankle brace on."

Let the record show that The Pony wore a regular shoe on the left foot, and a slide on the right. Making a crutchy fashion statement.

"Talked to manager. Since the doctor's note said the 22nd, I'm good to at least try to go back then. So that's a big weight off my shoulders."

Saturday, there were signs of progress:

"That actually looks pretty good."

We'll see how it feels on Monday. The Pony has a brace he got at the drugstore when he picked up his prescription. It's a tough job to jump back into on a sprained ankle. The main concern being another injury while it's not fully healed and stable.


  1. I have had some bad sprains, but never bruising. That looks painful, awful. Feet don't bother me, just stinky ones. I had a bad sprain on the same ankle every year at camp, and those experiences haunt me as an adult. Body does not forget an insult. Xrays won't show tears, just an MRI. Workmen's Comp doctor was not allowed to order an MRI for my knee. He suggested getting an attorney because he was sure something else was happening. Yes, MRI showed a torn meniscus. So, surgery. Now, insurance is responsible for that knee for the rest of my life. But, if they say go to dr again, he has to or may not get further care for this. My attorney told me that.

    1. I've always had bruising show up after a sprain. I was only saying that The Pony's x-ray showed no broken bones this time. So with a break ruled out, the injury was likely a sprain or strain.

      I suppose further treatment or diagnosis will depend on what The Pony's superiors say to do when he returns to work. He had to use his annual leave for the first three days off with any injury or sickness. So he's not making any money off this "pain vacation." He just needs the documentation to get his medical bills paid.

  2. That's a LOT of bruising, so a pretty serious sprain. Tell The Pony to not be an athlete and work it too hard too soon. Light exercise is best until pain and swelling are gone.
    Athletes usually end up permanently crippled or at least partially, from not enough healing time. The Pony doesn't want that in his future.

    1. The Pony was planning to baby the ankle as best as possible. He went to work this morning. I'll give a report after the day is over, to see how things went. He wore a brace on that ankle. He was off for five days.
