Sunday, July 28, 2024

Please, For the Love of All That Is Not Hick-Enabling, Give Your Honest Opinion

Hick has been working on the outside of the Beauty Shop half of the Double Hovel flip house(s). He fixed the handrail on the wooden sidewalk.

Not a major overhaul, but there's a rail to hold onto while walking if you need it.

Hick is patching the siding where he removed a window. Except he's NOT! Not patching with vinyl siding like he originally told me after taking out that window.


I refuse to blow smoke up Hick's rumpus like his cronies! I think this looks terrible! It doesn't match. It's not an "accent wall." It looks like a cheap patch job. Like there was a fire, or a car drove through the side of the house, and now it must be boarded up!

Hick says, "All my buddies like it." Sure. All his buddies who kiss his rumpus in case he might throw some of his hoard their way if they need it, or wish to sell it at their own storage unit stores. I can't even believe this material is called siding! It looks like cheap (well, not-so-cheap these days) plywood. Not meant for a permanent surface on the outside of a house!

"Rail looks good. Siding is *interesting.* Can you at least paint it white? So it's less noticeable?"

"It can be painted or stained whatever color we want."

NOW Hick is saying that he likes the wood color, since his buddies say it looks good.

What say you?


  1. It looks like the flooring that we just put in our shed that had water damage. Plywood. Plywood. Plywood. Where's the siding? We're even putting "real" siding on our shed. It had vertical panels that reminded me of paneling that people did in their homes in the 60's and 70's and then later, painted it so it didn't look like paneling. Now our shed will have siding that is similar to what is on the garage and the house. This is not siding. Sorry Hick, but I'm with Val on this one. It looks tacky and unfinished. Ranee (MN)

    1. This was my argument when Hick used that material on the back of The Pony's house. He even pointed it out on a building while we were driving to the casino, before buying it, and I was quite vocal in my disagreement. You can see how much influence I had...

  2. Hi Val, If it were me wanting to buy, I'd prefer the siding like you. The wood is something I might find on a shed in the backyard. Also, it would be nice to do something to the wood sidewalk to make it look a little less made for a man who didn't care:)

    1. I agree that Hick seems to be taking shortcuts. And it's not even speeding up the completion of the Beauty Shop! I think he just replaced a missing or broken board on that handrail for the sidewalk.

  3. Ugly. It does look like plywood. I think Hick needs to find some siding to match the corner.

    1. Yes! How hard could that be? That's what he originally told me when he took out the window. That he was going to patch that section of siding. It's not like some exotic material that must be imported!

  4. Maybe this tells you how valuable his buddies opinion is. It still looks awful and like cheap plywood. I thought I commented once.

  5. I think that if Hick leaves the wood on the side of the house he will bring down the resale value of the entire property.

    1. I agree. But Hick says this is the new trend!

  6. I think it needs siding. There is a house in my neighborhood that did the same thing, took a window out, and put something like that up. But, they painted it so it didn't look too terrible, and it was in the back, so not nearly as noticeable.

    1. I have always wanted the siding to match, but now Hick is acting wishy-washy about painting this stuff white!

  7. Hello Val! First time commenting but have been a reader for awhile.
    In my humble opinion, if I were a potential buyer/renter I would wonder what the inside looks like when the outside looks like corners were cut. First impressions and CURB APPEAL are everything. I agree with your thoughts on the plywood and the sidewalk.
    Can't Hick build forms and pour a concrete sidewalk and put a step or two at the front door? Or lay out a brick sidewalk? Is this the house you and Pony are co-owners of? If so, your thoughts definitely need consideration. I hope I did not come across too harsh and all will work out. Have a nice day!

    1. At least the realtor will post pictures of the interior, so that might at least generate some interest.

      Hick wants it without steps, and I agree, because some people can't navigate steps. That's why the QuickFlip buyer chose the QuickFlip house over this property.

      Hick would have to hire somebody for concrete work. He has enough connections that he could get a deal, doing it for cash. He's set on leaving this wooden sidewalk, though. It was good enough when the building was an actual beauty shop.

      Hick says The Pony approved the "cedar siding," but I said I'm going to ask about it. Since I was not consulted!

  8. To me it looks terrible. It DOES look like someone drove a truck through and that's the patch covering the damage. Is he also going to "patch" the bits where the meters are to match the rest? And it HAS to be painted, at least the same colour as the rest of the house, or an accent colour, but don't leave it like that. It's a shame there couldn't be even a tiny "feature" window somewhere in that wall.

    1. That whole side will have the "cedar siding," including around the meter. Except for that upper "V" part in the roof angle.

      Hick seems to be thinking of a stain, rather than the white paint! I don't so much mind the lack of a window. It's not a big deal, compared to that different color and texture on a whole side of the house.

  9. Oh, no, that must be painted. Perhaps light blue, like the sky?

    1. I'm hoping for white, like the rest of the house!

  10. So ... he is planning on leaving the other side, front and back with siding? No, no, no! Choose one type of siding and do the entire house. He could use the wood siding, but he needs to trim it out to look like board and batten. Yes, it will add to the cost of the rehab, but it will yield a bigger return. I undertand him trying to save $$, since I am married to a man cut from the same cloth. But, he needs to ask himself if he would want to buy it the way he has it. Ooops, forgot this is is the man with the railess staircase leading to the basement. JUst tell him it is not his best work.

    1. YES! Hick says this it the current "thing." I don't believe it. Especially the part about making it a different color!
