Friday, July 19, 2024

Travels With My Placard: The Repeat Offender

My placard and I were shut out of our rightful handicap parking space Wednesday at the Gas Station Chicken Store. It was that lady in a red car again. "WHAT lady in a red car?" you might ask. We'll get to that!

I drove around the diesel pumps and came in the other way, parking T-Hoe nose-down in the FREE AIR hose space.

There she was, sitting in her car, no handicap plate, no placard. Squatting there! On pavement that didn't rightfully belong to her! I had no recourse but to get out and hobble around her car. Well. Other than go for a drive, park and wait, or not get scratchers. Those were NOT viable options for Val! [Pardon T-Hoe's dusty interior. We live a mile up a gravel road, you know.]

THEN she had the nerve to come back inside, stand at my shoulder during my transaction, and ask if you could purchase scratchers with a debit card. You can. But not with a credit card, FYI.

Anyhoo... that gal then came back out, and sat there some more. Which is when I took this picture.

I don't begrudge an elderly a "quick" trip inside to buy scratchers. But there's really no need to TAKE UP THE HANDICAP SPACE for your scratching pleasure.

Making it worse is the fact that this lady is a repeat offender!

Shame her! She didn't even have the decency to look up and SEE ME TAKE HER PICTURE! In fact, she might be trying to play dead, or play stroke, for sympathy. Though in reality, she's just looking down at her scratchers, while sitting in the 97-degree heat, blocking that space for any verified handicapped person.

Yes. SHAME HER! She has done this before! A mere two months ago! I have the evidence right here, when I voiced (wrote?) my displeasure on my supersecret blog.


  1. You have two blogs? Why?
    Call the cops on her and have pictures handy when she says she did not know and this is the first time she has ever done this. Well, I would be tempted to do so.

    1. Why not? The original was a place I could vent about school-related things. No names or identifying details, of course.

      I'm not tempting fate by calling the police on her. People are crazy!!! This is the place where that other crazy woman backed her car into T-Hoe. I was in the red car space, and Crazy was in the one from where I took this picture.

  2. I shall think mean thoughts about all of her scratchers being losers for the rest of the year.

  3. Two offenses that are captured in photos!! Twice the fine, I say! But, you are right to be cautious, she could be armed since she is so brazen about her crimes!

    1. AND she was wearing a track suit, to make a quick getaway if confronted, I imagine!
