Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Pony Just Can't Catch a Break

That's a good thing, really! It could be much worse...

I cut my Tuesday morning call with The Pony short, to get some stuff ready for Hick to drop off at his house. The next I heard, The Pony was bemoaning the unexpected deluge that plagued both Backroads and Sis-Town.

"So much for 'light rain.' This is gonna be Not-Heavenish."

"Yeah. Hopefully, it moves across. My TV has been off for 20 minutes now. And a parial power flicker. So now the TV satellite is reloading, and my non-working printer is running a test page."

Well, that heavy rain and lightning and thunder continued. At 1:53, I got another text from The Pony.

"Do you have time to call?"

Of course!!! I called right back.


"Uh, is this Pony?"

"No. It's me. On Pony's phone. We're at the hospital."

"NOOOO! Is Pony okay?"

"Yeah. The doctor just came back. He's got a sprained ankle."

"Oh, no! Worker's comp?"

"Yeah. The manager brought over the paperwork to the ER. Pony can call you when we leave."

Well. That was NOT how I wanted my day to go. And I'm pretty sure The Pony didn't want that, either. I got more details (but not all) about an hour later.

"We didn't want to call you right away, because we knew you'd be worried. I slipped and sprained my ankle. Dad came to get me. I was afraid it was broken, because I heard a pop. But the doctor said he didn't see anything, and then the radiologist looked at it, and said it's okay. I should elevate it for a few days, but I might be able to go back to work on Monday. If it doesn't feel right, I need to make an appointment with a worker's comp doctor, to see about restrictions. I hope that isn't necessary. I don't want to deal with that again!

Dad and I are headed over to Bill-Paying Town to my pharmacy, to get the hydrocodone prescription for pain. It isn't too bad, as long as I don't move my ankle. About a 3/10. It only hurts if I try to stand on it, or move it. They gave me crutches, because Dad and I don't remember if I put the other ones in my room at home, or in the closet at my house. I have a removable partial cast thingy that I can take off and put back on. I'm supposed to elevate it. I'll get an ankle brace thing while I'm at the pharmacy, to wear to work when I go back. I'm hoping I can return on Monday. Maybe they can give me light duty like just packages for a few days, instead of walking 11 miles."

"I'm glad you feel okay, but you'll probably need to get a worker's comp doctor's note for light duty."

"Yeah. Hopefully I'll be ready to go back. There's one other person right now that's on just packages."

"Thanks for not worrying me, but I was thinking of you all day anyway because of the rain."

Anyhoo... the pharmacy was going to take 45 minutes, so Hick and The Pony went to eat lunch (for The Pony) and an early supper (for Hick) at Captain D's

I am thankful that The Pony was not injured worse than a sprained ankle. The Universe surely has it in for him lately. Since Saturday, the road beside his house has been blocked, because of a water main break. So The Pony can't get his car out, and has been walking to work. I suppose Hick can take him anything he needs, or The Pony can call for delivery.

Really. A sprained ankle is minor, compared to what could have happened.


  1. It sounds like his job is hazardous. I never would have expected that. I have had badly sprained ankles, and it took a long time before I could walk as much as he does. What a time to be without a car!

    1. It was bad enough not having the car with temps in the upper 90s. The Pony COULD drive through the back yard to an alley to get out, but it's hard to come back that way. He doesn't want to park his car on the street in front of his house. So in an emergency, he COULD get out.

      Another thing I hadn't thought of is that this sprain is The Pony's RIGHT ankle. So he has to be able to drive his postal vehicle with that foot. Hopefully it won't be too painful moving that ankle.

  2. Poor heart. When it rains, it pours, sigh!

    1. I know! The Pony is overdue for something good.

  3. That lad has a black cloud hanging over his head. And not just on rainy days! I remember a character in L'i'l Abner comic strips named Joe Btfsplk that always had a dark cloud over him and he had terrible luck. Kinda like the Pony.

    1. It's certainly time for Even Steven to step in! There's no excuse for this run of bad luck. The Pony wouldn't hurt a fly! Well, except for that approximate 100 flies that he killed after Hick's dead squirrel faux pas.

  4. Those phone calls are so scary!! My biggest fear when I worked in the ER was coming into a room to find a member of my family needing immediate help. I don't know how well I would handle that, but I did have to pull the car over and do CPR on HeWho once. We were on the way to the hospital and he stopped breathing. My adrenaline shot so high I had no saliva for hours afterward, no matter how much water I sucked down. I remember one of my girls referring to me as making out with the water fountain when my son asked where I was. He chatised his Dad for scaring me! You can see why he is my favorite ....

    1. Dang! That is scary! Good thing you were in a place where you could pull over in time!

    2. I think he was just holding his breath and wanted my lips on his! That is the joke we tell ourselves.

    3. Heh, heh! That would make it the only time HeWho was able to outsmart you!

  5. Oh no! Though a sprain is better than a break, it is still bad news and painful. No more prancing for this Pony for a while.

    1. Heh, heh! The Pony is hoping to recover from his lameness by Monday.
