Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Saddle is Back on The Pony

After spraining his ankle at work last Tuesday, The Pony had a regular day off Wednesday, then took three days of leave per the ER doctor's instructions on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday was a regular day off. The doctor's note said he could return to work Monday, barring any complications or increase in pain.

On Monday morning, The Pony's ankle still showed marked swelling.

Of course I didn't want to phrase it like that. "Still a little puffy."

By 10:30, The Pony reported that most of the mail did not show up. "It's not exactly fun today, but the dps didn't show up, so, it's a nice gentle introduction back. Pretty sure if I take my shoe off there's no getting it back on, though. Not having letters means I can be gentler on the leg."

Yes. That WAS fortunate, since it meant The Pony would not have to climb steps to every porch, but mainly deliver to businesses, for packages. The Pony sent a picture of his shod feet:

"The wrap definitely contributes a little but you can see how much wider the right shoe is."

By 3:19, The Pony was off work. "Off early from no dps. Headed home to shower. My ankle is OUCH. My toes are mildly concerning."

"That's just the old blood ready to get absorbed. No need to worry."

"Yeah. If there was any hint of weird or lost sensation or motor control, I'd be much more worried. But my guess is that however I fell, that section and the connecting stuff was a lot of what got messed up. That leg was tucked in under me with the foot bent flat."

On Tuesday, The Pony reported at noon that "Foot is definitely hurting more as I walk today."

When he got off work at 5:15, The Pony sent a couple pictures.

"Where did you take that picture?"

"Work. I took off my shoe while sitting down to change into sandals."

"I think the brace is keeping the swelling down while working."

"Yeah. Just not real happy to be that compressed. It puffed up a bit instantly and felt a bit less painful."

SO, The Pony seems to be on the mend. A day off Wednesday came at the right time. Now it's the grind of summer heat again.


  1. It still hurts me to look at that! Some pictures did not show up. Does he elevate his foot every moment he can?

    1. All 6 pictures are showing for me, so I don't know what the problem might be.

      The Pony lies on the couch and puts that foot up on the armrest. Laptop on his belly, I imagine. But the ankle takes a beating at work. The Pony said he was able to go without the ankle brace on Friday's workday.

  2. It doesn't look much better to me, so I'm glad he had an easy day at work. I'd be wearing a brace a lot longer if I had to walk on it.

    1. I agree. That brace would remind The Pony to be careful with that ankle, and not walk along daydreaming, letting it flop. Not that he would, of course...
